slider class
The slider widget provides a vertical or horizontal slider.
object widget
The slider is the classic widget for controlling a bounded value.
It lets the user move a slider along a horizontal or vertical groove
and translates the slider's position into an integer value within the legal range.[/classfnc]()
Sets the slider's orientation.
Orientation value can be "Horizontal" or "Vertical".
Sets whether slider tracking is enabled to enable.
Value can be 1 or 0.
Sets maximum value for slider's range.
Sets minimum value for slider's range.
Sets the line step to <line_step>.
Sets the page step to <page_step>.
Sets the tickmark settings for this slider.
Values are:

NoMarks - do not draw any tickmarks.
Both - draw tickmarks on both sides of the groove.
Above - draw tickmarks above the (horizontal) slider
Below - draw tickmarks below the (horizontal) slider
Left - draw tickmarks to the left of the (vertical) slider
Right - draw tickmarks to the right of the (vertical) slider
Sets the interval between tickmarks.
<integer> $value()
Returns slider value.
<integer> $minValue()
Returns slider minValue.
<integer> $maxValue()
Returns slider maxValue.
<integer> $lineStep()
Returns slider lineStep value.
Returns slider pageStep value.
$valueChangedEvent(<new slider value:integer>)
This function is called by the framework when the slider value is changed and return the new slider value as its argument.
The default implementation emits the $valueChanged() signal, so it is easy to handle the values from many sliders without reimplementing the $valueChangedEvent() for every one.
Note: If you reimplement this function to catch the slider value, you will have to emit the signal by yourself (if you still need it, obviously).
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc]valueChangedEvent[/classfnc]().
If you reimplement that function you will have to emit the signal manually (if you still need it).

Index, Object Classes