toolbutton class
Provides a toolbutton for toolbar widget.
object widget
The toolbutton class provides a quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a toolBar.
Sets the image for this button.
Sets whether this toolbutton uses big pixmaps to enable.
This property holds whether this toolbutton uses big pixmaps.
Sets whether the toolbutton show a texlabel below the pixmap of the button.
Return 1 if the setUsesTextLabel is enabled, otherwise return 0.
Sets the label of this button to <text> and automatically sets it as a tooltip if <tip> is true.
<string> $textLabel()
Returns the label of the button.
Sets whether auto-raising is enabled.
<boolean> $autoRaise()
Returns 1 if autoRaise is enabled, otherwise returns 0.
Sets whether the tool button is a toggle button 1 enable, 0 disable.
<boolean> $toggle()
Toggles the state of the tool button.
Sets whether the tool button is on to the bool value: 1 enable, 0 disable.
$setPopup (<popupmenu:object>)
Associates the given <popupmenu> with this tool button.
Opens the associated popup menu. If there is no such menu, this function does nothing.
Sets the position of the tool button's textLabel in relation to the tool button's icon.
Valid texpos values are:
- BesideIcon : The text appears beside the icon.
- BelowIcon : The text appears below the icon.
<string> $textPosition()
Returns the position of the text label of this button.
This function is called when the toolbutton is clicked.
You can reimplement it to handle the user click events.
The default implementation emits the $clicked() signal.
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of $clickEvent().

Index, Object Classes