Creates a kva package containing an addon
addon.pack <package_path> <addon_name> <addon_version> <description> <author> <min_kvirc_version> <image> <addon_path>
Creates a *.kva package containing a KVIrc addon.

<package_path> is the absolute path and file name of the package that should be saved.
<addon_name> is the visible name of the addon (something like My Addon).
<addon_version> is the version of the addon in the form X.Y.Z.
<description> is a textual description of the addon.
<author> is the name of the person that is creating the addon.
<min_kvirc_version> is the minimum KVIrc version that this addon supports. Pass an empty string if you want this to become the current KVIrc version.
<image> is the path of an image to be used in the installation dialog. Pass an empty string if you don't want an image to be stored in the package.
<addon_path> is a path to the directory containing the addon. It should contain an install.kvs file that calls addon.register and then installs all the addon aliases, events and files via addon.installfiles.

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