DNS lookup
ahost [-i] [-a] (<dnsquery:string>[,<magicdata:variant>]){ <callback command> }
Starts a DNS lookup for the <dnsquery> and reports the results by calling the callback routine. The -i switch causes the command to execute in IPv6 mode (and lookup ONLY IPv6 hosts!).
The -a switch causes the command to run in unspecified mode and return any available address: IPv4 or Ipv6.
This command also performs reverse lookups (if you pass an IP address as <hostname>).
The callback command gets passed five parameters:
$0 contains the query string (<dnsquery> in fact)
$1 contains the value 1 if the query was successful.
In that case the remaining parameters are set as follows:
$2 contains the first IP address associated to the <dnsquery>
$3 contains the hostname associated to the <dnsquery>
$4 contains the eventual <magicdata> passed.
If $1 contains the value 0 then the query has failed and
$2 contains an error message explaining the failure.
$3 is empty
$4 contains the eventual <magicdata> passed.
Please note that if the DNS query fails to even start for some reason then your callback MAY be called even before ahost() returns.
Causes the command to execute in IPv6 mode (and lookup ONLY IPv6 hosts!).
The -a switch causes the command to run in unspecified mode and return any available address: IPv4 or IPv6.

    echo "Lookup: "$0;
        echo "IP address: "$2;
        echo "Hostname: "$3;
    } else {
        echo "Error: $2";
ahost -i ("irc.flashnet.it","Hello :)")
    echo "Lookup: "$0;
    echo "Magic: $3";
        echo "IP address: "$2;
        echo "Hostname: "$3;
    } else {
        echo "Error: $2";
ahost -a ("cafe:babe::dead:beef")
    echo "Lookup: "$0;
    echo "Magic: $3";
        echo "IP address: "$2;
        echo "Hostname: "$3;
    } else {
        echo "Error: $2";
See also

Index, Commands