Triggered when a channel or query message is going to be highlighted
$0 = Source nickname
$1 = Source username
$2 = Source hostname
$3 = Message
$4 = Highlight word
$5 = Message type
$6 = Is action
Channel or query window
A channel or query message is going to be highlighted.
The message may be either a PRIVMSG, a NOTICE or a CTCP ACTION.
The highlight may be either caused by a highlight word or by your own nickname (if that option was specified).
$5 contains the original color/icon set of the message that depends on the type of the message itself.
Since the CTCP ACTION messages generally have different format of output, for your convenience $6 contains 1 if the message was caused by a CTCP ACTION or 0 otherwise.
If you call halt in this event the message output will be completely disabled (thus, KVIrc assumes that YOU have provided the necessary output and feedback to the user).
A common error here is to call halt and re-echo the unmodified output; this can cause another OnHighlight event to be triggered and create an infinite loop! echoprivmsg -n is the command you probably want. To discriminate if this event has been triggered within a channel or in a private message, check the values of $channel or $query.

Index, Events