Returns the nth token in a string
<string> $str.token(<n:int>,<separator:string>,<string:string>)
Returns the nth token inside the <string> (with n starting from 0!)
A token is a substring not containing the characters listed in <separators>.
If the string contains less than n+1 tokens then an empty string is returned.
$str.word() is an optimized function dedicated to the special case in that <separators> is a string containing all the whitespace characters.
Please note that this function is SLOW. You might want to take a look at $str.word() or even better to $str.split().
This function is case sensitive: you need to specify both cases in the <separators> string if you want to do a case insensitive tokenization.

%test = "21 hours 10 minutes 15 seconds"
echo $str.token(1," hoursmintecd",%test)
See also

Index, Functions