Honor and Glory
This is a list of the people that have contributed in some way to the KVIrc project.
This list is far from being complete. A lot of more or less "anonymous" people have wasted their time, eyes, bandwidth and brain resources on this project. If you're one of those, then well, don't hesitate to contact Pragma

Szymon Stefanek
The "Creator" of KVIrc. Mental work, hand work, eyes consuming and coffee drinking
"I'll check... lemme check..."
"I'll fix it tomorrow..."
"KVIrc: the client that can't make coffee"

Jan Wagner
(Istari, spion)
Webmaster, bughunter, snapshot maintainer, support gay^Wguy :o) and the man that gives you KVIrc through IPv6

Luk De Ketelaere
Documentation, bug searching, public relations
"No idea of what you're talking about... or why you need it :)"

Andrea Parrella
Bug hunting, plugin development, bug fixes, windows porting and snapshots
"<YaP> why you haven't implemented a class like DoEverythingByYourself ? :)"
"<Pragma> a wonderful recursive function :)"
"<YaP> Damn...I knew it eheheheheh"

Ted Podgurski
Test scripter, bug hunting ideator & creator of the first www.kvirc.net

O. E. Hansen
The official C++ manual and plugin developer
"prepare yourselves.." " #include <iostream.h>"
"class testing {..."
"<oehansen> I must admit, I'm getting confused :-)"
"<Pragma> Me too , at this point :)"

Jorma Tuomainen
Slackware Packages

Eva Schaller
Italian translation, bug hunting, moral support :))))
"KVIrc? Ah! The dinosaur..."

Christoph Thielecke
German translation, bug hunting, new ideas. Some scripting, Code improvements + new code ;)
"Pragma: Short question..."

Breaking everything, and correcting grammar when there isn't anything left to break. Also, listening to Aeri's requests and getting about half of them done...
"Hey, it's not my responsibility to find a funny quote of myself ^_~"

Italian translations, code improvements and many useful suggestions

Krzysztof Godlewski
Official polish beer provider and plugin developer
"echo "STOP IT" > /dev/neighbour" "cd ./neighbour && make clean"
"Pragma...erm...bugs ? WHICH bugs ? ;))"

Iacopo Palazzi
Old site creator, some suggestions, tea drinker (Thanks Szymon, your tea is excellent ;) ) and.. why I'm listed here?
"Hey mum, look!! My name is in the KVIrc Honor & Glory section!!"

Thilo Schulz
Newsauthor, bugtracker and constant user support on #kvirc

French translation, betatesting and heavy bughunting

Alessandro Carbone
Object classes developer, code improvements, betatesting, bugfixing, exotic scripting, documentation...
"<Grifisx>...damned brackets ! ...there are always too many...
<Noldor>....or too few..."

Tonino Imbesi
Object classes developer, code improvements, betatesting, bugfixing, exotic scripting, documentation...
"<Grifisx> The difference between me and you is just that, You see things and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were and I say..."Why not?"

Alexey Uzhva
Internationalization, bugfixing, bughunting, new ideas and more...

Elvio Basello
New site creator, site maintainer, Italian translation, scripting, bughunting, Slackware packages, new ideas...
"<HelLViS69> Blessed gdb, in the name of ritchie, kerningham and rms"

Claudia Galingani Mongini
Italian translation, graphics, true believer
"Time makes no sense"

Alessio Paoletti
FAQ and Italian translations

Massimiliano Leone
Debian packages, moral support
"One must make one's self superior to humanity, in power, in loftiness of soul, in contempt. - Friedrich Nietzsche"

Lorenzo Marcon
Bug hunting and fixing, doc fixes, scripting (NGL File Server)
"I don't know what I want, but I know how to get it."

Juanjo Avarez
Away system, colored nicks, general programming, Spanish translation
"Pragma: think of KVIrc as a tool for scripters... we have to left them something to do :)"
![|Tom| [at] IrcNet's avatar](img/honor/unknown.png)
Thomas Kalla
(|Tom| [at] IrcNet)
OS X porting

Américo Josè Melo
Portuguese translation, default script patches and Mandriva (MDE) packager.

Christopher R. Gabriel
The 'light' inside the GNU clouds. Generic (??!) official project supporter :)
"Pragma: seems that kvirc with all its plugins is becoming a desktop environment" "echo espresso > /dev/coffee" "Pragma: you reached the user limit. WTF!"

Andrew Frolov
Ideator of www.kvirc.org
"This free project is better that shareware" "mIrc for windows even in alpha stage"

Christian Strmmen
Makes sure that nobody is lazy, bug-hunter, a LOT of suggestions and maker of RealityX IRC.
"Skydiving is almost as exciting as KVIrc scripting!"
"Pragma: could you add these functions: $rubmyback() and $makecoffe()?"

RAD Kade 1
Debugging and improvements.
"I'm just *really* good at doing things when I have no idea of what I'm actually doing"

Fritz Elfert
Improvements of KVIrc code and of my Linux knowledge. I like to think him as a 'spiritual guide'... :D

Charles Samuels
The KDE man! Making sure that KVIrc has a reason to have a K in the beginning
"Could I please make KVIrc a pure KDE application today?? Pleeease..."

Some "tiny" pieces of code.

Nick Betcher
"<Error403>Number1: I imagined you looking crazy :)"
"<NumeroUno> I was drunk"

Olle Hällnäs
The "open hand" for the KVIrc project. Provider of the SVN service, WWW & FTP mirroring, bandwidth, great ideas and fun while coding.

Giovanni Ferri
Bug hunter, ideas source :)
"buy a pigeon traveller and pass DCC transfers to him"
![[Anodine]'s avatar](img/honor/unknown.png)
Various funky improvements.
"I can program anything I set my mind to!"

Paul Boehm
Beta testing, language structure improvements.
"...it's enough for 100 IPs per meter on earth, so every lightswitch can have its own IP...then you telnet to your lightswitch and turn it off!"

Valeriy Girchenko
Russian translation

If your avatar doesn't appear, or it's wrong, send me the right picture. If you've found something incorrect, broken links, or missing on this page, please drop an email to HelLViS69