layout class
Manages child widget geometry
The layout is a geometry management tool for child widgets. You create a layout, give it some widgets to manage and it will layout them automatically.
The parent of the layout must be the widget for which child widget geometries have to be managed. A layout is a grid of NxM cells in which you insert child widgets with $addwidget().
Widgets that must span multiple cells can be added to the layout with $addmulticellwidget().
$addWidget(<widget:object widget>,<row:uint>,<column:uint>)
Adds a widget to this layout placing it at position <row>,<column> in the grid
$addMultiCellWidget(<widget:object widget>,<start_row:uint>,<end_row:uint>,<start_col:uint>,<end_col:uint>)
Adds a widget to this layout spanning multiple grid cells
Sets the stretch value for a particular row of this layout.
The <stretch_value> must be a positive integer.
The rows with bigger stretch values will take more space in the layout.
Sets the stretch value for a particular column in this layout.
The <stretch_value> must be a positive integer.
The rows with bigger stretch values will take more space in the layout.
Sets the minimum height of the specified <row> to <spacing> which must be a positive integer
Sets the minimum width of the specified <column> to <spacing> which must be a positive integer
Sets the default spacing of the widgets in pixels
Sets the dimension of the layout margin: the distance from the border to the outermost child widget edges.
$setAlignment(<w:widget>, <flag1:string>, <flag2:string>, ...)
Sets the alignment for widget w to flags, given as parameters. Valid flags are: Right, Left, Top, Bottom, HCenter, VCenter, Center
Sets the resize mode of the parent widget in relation to this layout. <mode> can be one of:

-Auto: this is the default
-Fixed: the parent widget of this layout is resized to the "sizeHint" value and it cannot be resized by the user.
-Minimum: the minimum size of the parent widget of this layout is set to minimumSize() and it cannot be smaller
-FreeResize: the parent widget of this layout is not constrained at all

Index, Object Classes