$sort(<bReverse:bool>) |
Sorts items in the list alphabetically ($true) or in reverse order ($false); Default to $false. |
echo %list->$current();
<integer> $count() |
Returns the number of items in the list |
<boolean> $isEmpty() |
Returns $true if the list is empty, $false otherwise. |
$clear() |
Removes all the items from the list.This is the same as $removeall(). |
$removeAll() |
Removes all the items from the list. This is the same as $clear(). |
$append(<item:variant>) |
Inserts the <item> at the end (tail) of the list. |
$prepend(<item:variant>) |
Inserts the <item> at the beginning (head) of the list. |
$insert(<index:uint>,<item:variant>) |
Inserts the <item> at zero-based position <index> in the list. If <index> is greater or equal to $count() then the item is simply appended to the end of the list. |
$add(<index:uint>,<item:variant>) |
This is exactly the same as $insert(). |
<variant> $item(<index:uint>) |
Returns the item at zero-based <index>. If <index> is greater or equal to $count() (beyond the end of the list) then $nothing is returned. |
<boolean> $remove(<index:uint>) |
Removes the item at zero-based <index>. Returns $true if the item was successfully removed and $false otherwise (i.e. <index> pointed beyond the end of the list). |
<boolean> $removeFirst() |
Removes the first item from the list. Returns $true if the item was successfully removed (the list was not empty) and $false otherwise. |
<boolean> $removeLast() |
Removes the last item from the list. Returns $true if the item was successfully removed (the list was not empty) and $false otherwise. |
<boolean> $removeCurrent() |
Removes the current item from the list. Returns $true if the item was successfully removed or $false otherwise. Invalidates any iteration operation. |
<boolean> $moveFirst() |
Moves the iterator to the first item in the list and returns $true if the move was successful (i.e., the list is not empty) and $false otherwise. |
<boolean> $moveLast() |
Moves the iterator to the last item in the list and returns $true if the move was successful (i.e., the list is not empty) and $false otherwise. |
<boolean> $movePrev() |
Moves the iterator to the previous item and returns $true if the move was successful (i.e., there IS a previous item) and $false otherwise. |
<boolean> $moveNext() |
Moves the iterator to the next item and returns $true if the move was successful (i.e., there IS a next item) and $false otherwise. |
<boolean> $eof() |
Returns $true if the iterator points to a valid item in the list (and thus $current() would return a valid value) and $false otherwise. |
<boolean> $current() |
Returns the item pointed by the current iterator or $nothing is the iterator is not valid (points beyond the end of the list). |