Provides web support in a widget using webengine.
object widget
Provides an embedded web browser using webengine. Page structure can be managed by web element's unique identifiers.
Sets the current URL for the webView and starts loading it
Sets the content of the web view to the specified <html_code>. External objects such as stylesheets or images referenced in the HTML document are located relative to <baseurl>. The html is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously.
$findText(<txt:string>,[flag 1,flag 2,..;string])
Finds the specified string, in the page, using the given options. Valid flags are:

FindBackward - Searches backwards instead of forwards;
FindCaseSensitively - Changes the behaviour to a case sensitive find operation.
pixmap $makePreview()
Returns a 212x142 thumbnail of the current webView constants. The returned object is an instance of the pixmap class.
Enables or disables the <name> setting depending on <value>. Valid settings name: JavascriptEnabled, PluginsEnabled, JavascriptCanOpenWindows, JavascriptCanAccessClipboard, ZoomTextOnly, LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls.
Sets the link delegation policy: what happens when the users click on a link. Valid values:
DontDelegateLinks: No links are delegated. Instead, webView tries to handle them all.
DelegateAllLinks: Whenever a link is activated the $linkClickedEvent() is executed.
This function can be called when the user clicks on a link, depending no the current link delegation policy. The argument of the function is the URL that has been clicked.
The default implementation emits the $linkclicked() signal.
This function is called when the load of the page has started. The default implementation emits the $loadstarted() signal.
This function can be called during the page load progress. The argument of the function is an int value that represent the loading progress status, ranging from 0 to 100.
The default implementation emits the $loadprogress() signal.
This function is called when the load of the page has finished. The argument of the function is a bool value that is true if the page has been loaded successfully, false otherwise.
The default implementation emits the $loadfinished() signal.
This function is called when the user tries to download a file. The argument of the function is the URL of the file.
You should return a valid path in the filesystem where to save the file.
The default implementation emits the $downloadrequest() signal.
This function can be called during the download of a file. Three integer arguments are passed to this function: the number of downloaded bytes, the download ID, the size of the remove file (if known). The default implementation emits the $downloadprogress() signal.
This function can be called when a file download finishes. The argument of the function is the an integer value containing the download ID. The default implementation emits the $downloadcompleted() signal.
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc:webview]linkClickedEvent[/classfnc]().
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc:webview]loadStartedEvent[/classfnc]().
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc:webview]loadProgressEvent[/classfnc]().
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc:webview]loadFinishedEvent[/classfnc]().
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc:webview]downloadRequestEvent[/classfnc]().
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc:webview]downloadProgressEvent[/classfnc]().
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of [classfnc:webview]downloadCompletedEvent[/classfnc]().

Index, Object Classes