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The class which manages a channel. More...
#include <KviChannelWindow.h>
Public Types | |
enum | ActivityLimit { Ice = 5, VeryCold = 10, Cold = 20, Undefined = 30, Hot = 50, VeryHot = 70 } |
Holds the limits of the activity in a channel. More... | |
enum | StateFlag { HaveAllNames = 1, HaveWhoList = (1 << 2), DeadChan = (1 << 3), SentWhoRequest = (1 << 4), SentPart = (1 << 5), Synchronized = (1 << 6), NoCloseOnPart = (1 << 7), SentSyncWhoRequest = (1 << 8) } |
Holds the state flags of the channel. More... | |
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enum | ActivityTemperature { Ice = 0, VeryCold = 1, Cold = 2, Undefined = 3, Hot = 4, VeryHot = 5, Fire = 6 } |
Holds the activity meter in temperature scale. More... | |
enum | ActivityValue { None = 0, VeryLow = 1, Low = 2, Medium = 3, High = 4, VeryHigh = 5 } |
Holds the activity meter in value scale. More... | |
enum | AttentionLevel { VisibleAndActive = 0, MainWindowIsVisible = 1 } |
attention levels usable in hasAttention() More... | |
enum | Type { Console = 0, Channel = 1, Query = 2, DeadChannel = 3, DeadQuery = 4, Editor = 5, Help = 6, Terminal = 7, SocketSpy = 8, Links = 9, List = 10, DccChat = 11, DccTransfer = 12, DccCanvas = 13, DccVoice = 14, DccVideo = 15, UserWindow = 16, Tool = 17, IOGraph = 18, DirBrowser = 19, ScriptEditor = 20, ScriptObject = 21, LogView = 22, Offer = 23, Debug = 24, Unknown = 25, TypeCount = 26 } |
Holds the types of a window; these are used by the KVIrc core and distributed modules. More... | |
Signals | |
void | opStatusChanged () |
Emitted when our op status change. More... | |
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void | windowNameChanged () |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual bool | activityMeter (unsigned int *puActivityValue, unsigned int *puActivityTemperature) |
Colors the icon who tells how much activity there is. More... | |
void | addHighlightedUser (const QString &szNick) |
Adds a user to the highlight list. More... | |
bool | avatarChanged (const QString &szNick) |
Returns true if the avatar of a user is changed. More... | |
QFrame * | buttonContainer () |
Returns the button container object. More... | |
int | chanAdminCount () |
Returns the number of users with chanadmin status. More... | |
void | channelAction (const QString &szNick, unsigned int uActionType, int iTemperature) |
Called when someone perform an action in the channel. More... | |
QString | channelModeParam (char cMode) const |
Returns the value (parameter) for a channel mode (eg. the password for mode k) More... | |
int | chanOwnerCount () |
Returns the number of users with chanowner status. More... | |
void | checkChannelSync () |
Checks the channel synchronization time. More... | |
void | clearSentSyncWhoRequest () |
Clears the sync WHO request flag. More... | |
bool | closeOnPart () |
Returns true if the channel has to be closed on part. More... | |
unsigned int | count () |
Returns the number of users. More... | |
void | enableUserListUpdates (bool bEnable) |
Enables or disable the userlist updates. More... | |
KviUserListEntry * | findEntry (const QString &szNick) |
Searches for a user in the userlist. More... | |
QString * | firstSelectedNickname () |
Returns the first selected nickname in the userlist. More... | |
void | getChannelActivityStats (KviChannelActivityStats *pStats) |
Gets the channel activity stats and put them in the buffer. More... | |
void | getChannelModeString (QString &szBuffer) |
Fills szBuffer with all set channel modes, but without any parameters (eg: lkmi) More... | |
void | getChannelModeStringWithEmbeddedParams (QString &szBuffer) |
Fills szBuffer with all set channel modes and any parameters (eg: mi l:10 k:password) More... | |
char | getUserFlag (const QString &szNick) |
Returns the flag of a user. More... | |
virtual void | getWindowListTipText (QString &szBuffer) |
Creates the tooltip over the channel treeview. More... | |
int | halfOpCount () |
Returns the number of users with halfop status. More... | |
bool | hasAllNames () |
Returns true if the channel has all names. More... | |
bool | hasBanExceptionList () |
Returns true if the channel has a ban exception list. More... | |
bool | hasBanList () |
Returns true if the channel has a ban list. More... | |
bool | hasChannelMode (char cMode) |
Returns true if the channel has a mode with parameter set (eg. mode k) More... | |
bool | hasInviteList () |
Returns true if the channel has an invite list. More... | |
bool | hasQuietBanList () |
Returns true if the channel has a quiet ban list. More... | |
bool | hasWhoList () |
Returns true if the channel has a WHO list. More... | |
bool | isChanAdmin (const QString &szNick, bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if the user is a chan admin. More... | |
bool | isChanOwner (const QString &szNick, bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if the user is a chan owner. More... | |
bool | isDeadChan () |
Returns true if the channel is dead. More... | |
bool | isHalfOp (const QString &szNick, bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if the user is a half operator. More... | |
bool | isHighlightedUser (const QString &szNick) |
Returns true if the user is highlighted. More... | |
bool | isMeChanAdmin (bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if we are a chan admin. More... | |
bool | isMeChanOwner (bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if we are a chan owner. More... | |
bool | isMeHalfOp (bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if we are a half operator. More... | |
bool | isMeIrcOp (bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if we are an ircop. More... | |
bool | isMeOp (bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if we are an operator. More... | |
bool | isMeUserOp (bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if we are a user operator. More... | |
bool | isMeVoice (bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if we are a voice. More... | |
bool | isOn (const QString &szNick) |
Returns true if the user is on the channel. More... | |
bool | isOp (const QString &szNick, bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if the user is an operator. More... | |
bool | isUserOp (const QString &szNick, bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if the user is a user operator. More... | |
bool | isVoice (const QString &szNick, bool bAtLeast=false) |
Returns true if the user is a voice. More... | |
KviUserListEntry * | join (const QString &szNick, const QString &szUser=QString(), const QString &szHost=QString(), int iFlags=0) |
Called when a user joins the channel. More... | |
KviChannelWindow (KviConsoleWindow *lpConsole, const QString &szName) | |
Constructs the channel object. More... | |
kvi_time_t | lastReceivedWhoReply () |
Returns the time of the last received WHO reply. More... | |
QByteArray | loadLogFile (const QString &szFileName, bool bGzip) |
Loads a log file. More... | |
virtual void | lostUserFocus () |
Called when the channel losts the focus by the user. More... | |
unsigned int | maskCount (char cMode) |
Returns the number of masks is a channel mode list. More... | |
KviIrcView * | messageView () const |
Returns the irc view object. More... | |
KviPointerList< KviMaskEntry > * | modeMasks (char cMode) |
Returns a list of masks for a specific mode. More... | |
int | myFlags () |
Returns our flags. More... | |
const QString & | nameWithUserFlag () |
Returns the name of the channel with user flags. More... | |
QString * | nextSelectedNickname () |
Returns the next selected nickname in the userlist. More... | |
bool | nickChange (const QString &szOldNick, const QString &szNewNick) |
Called when someone changes his nick. More... | |
int | opCount () |
Returns the number of users with op status. More... | |
virtual void | outputMessage (int iMsgType, const QString &szMsg, const QDateTime &datetime=QDateTime()) |
Outputs a message to the channel window. More... | |
void | ownAction (const QString &szBuffer) |
Called when we perform an action. More... | |
void | ownMessage (const QString &szBuffer, bool bUserFeedback=true) |
Called when we send a message. More... | |
bool | part (const QString &szNick) |
Called when someone parts the channel. More... | |
void | partMessageSent (bool bCloseOnPart=true, bool bShowMessage=true) |
Called when we want to part a channel. More... | |
void | pasteLastLog () |
Pastes the most recent channel log into the buffer. More... | |
QString | plainChannelMode () |
Returns only the plain (parameter-less) channel modes (eg: mi) More... | |
void | prependUserFlag (const QString &szNick, QString &szBuffer) |
Prepends the user flag to the nickname. More... | |
void | removeHighlightedUser (const QString &szNick) |
Removes a user from the highlight list. More... | |
int | selectedCount () |
Returns the number of selected users. More... | |
bool | sentListRequest (char cMode) |
Returns true if we have sent a list request for a specific channel mode. More... | |
bool | sentSyncWhoRequest () |
Returns true if we have sent the sync WHO request. More... | |
bool | sentWhoRequest () |
Returns true if we have sent the WHO request. More... | |
KviIrcConnectionServerInfo * | serverInfo () |
Gets the KviIrcConnectionServerInfo structure associated to the current connection. More... | |
void | setAliveChan () |
Sets the channel as alive. More... | |
bool | setChanAdmin (const QString &szNick, bool bChanAdmin) |
Sets the chan admin mode. More... | |
void | setChannelMode (char cMode, bool bAdd) |
Sets a plain (parameter-less) channel mode, (eg: +m) More... | |
void | setChannelModeWithParam (char cMode, QString &szParam) |
Sets a channel mode with a parameter; an empty parameter unsets the mode (eg: +k password) More... | |
bool | setChanOwner (const QString &szNick, bool bChanOwner) |
Sets the chan owner mode. More... | |
void | setDeadChan () |
Sets the channel as dead. More... | |
bool | setHalfOp (const QString &szNick, bool bHalfOp, bool) |
Sets the half operator mode. More... | |
void | setHasAllNames () |
Sets the existence of all names. More... | |
void | setHasWhoList () |
Sets the existence of the WHO list. More... | |
void | setLastReceivedWhoReply (kvi_time_t tTime) |
Sets the time of the last received WHO reply. More... | |
void | setListRequestDone (char cMode) |
Clears the "sent request" flag for a specific chanel mode. More... | |
void | setModeInList (char cMode, const QString &szMask, bool bAdd, const QString &szSetBy, unsigned int uSetAt, QString szChangeMask=QString()) |
Called when someone sets a channel mode that is stored in a list; these modes require a parameter that is tipically a mask. More... | |
bool | setOp (const QString &szNick, bool bOp, bool bIsMe) |
Sets the operator mode. More... | |
void | setSentListRequest (char cMode) |
Sets the "sent request" flag for a specific channel mode. More... | |
void | setSentSyncWhoRequest () |
Sets the sync WHO request flag. More... | |
void | setSentWhoRequest () |
Sets the WHO request flag. More... | |
bool | setUserOp (const QString &szNick, bool bUserOp, bool) |
Sets the user operator mode. More... | |
bool | setVoice (const QString &szNick, bool bVoice, bool) |
Sets the voice mode. More... | |
virtual QSize | sizeHint () const |
Returns the size of the channel. More... | |
virtual const QString & | target () |
Returns the name of the channel. More... | |
KviTopicWidget * | topicWidget () |
Returns the topic widget object. More... | |
void | unhighlight () |
Unhighlights the windowlist item. More... | |
void | updateModeLabel () |
Updates the tooltip over the channel modes. More... | |
void | userAction (KviIrcMask *user, unsigned int uActionType) |
Perform a user action in the channel. More... | |
void | userAction (const QString &szNick, unsigned int uActionType) |
Perform a user action in the channel. More... | |
void | userAction (const QString &szNick, const QString &szUser, const QString &szHost, unsigned int uActionType) |
Perform a user action in the channel. More... | |
KviUserListView * | userListView () |
Returns the user listview object. More... | |
int | userOpCount () |
Returns the number of users with userop status. More... | |
int | voiceCount () |
Returns the number of users with voice status. More... | |
~KviChannelWindow () | |
Destroys the channel object. More... | |
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KviIrcConnection * | connection () |
Returns the current IRC connection (if any) More... | |
KviConsoleWindow * | console () |
Returns the console that this window belongs to. More... | |
KviIrcContext * | context () |
void | contextPopup () |
QString | decodeText (const char *pcText) |
virtual QTextCodec * | defaultTextCodec () |
void | delayedAutoRaise () |
void | delayedClose () |
void | demandAttention () |
Notify the window manager that this window demands attention. More... | |
QByteArray | encodeText (const QString &szText) |
void | forceTextCodec (QTextCodec *pCodec) |
void | getDefaultLogFileName (QString &szBuffer) |
bool | hasAttention (AttentionLevel eLevel=VisibleAndActive) |
Returns whether this window is the active one. More... | |
virtual bool | highlightMe (unsigned int uValue) |
virtual bool | highlightMeter (unsigned int *puValue) |
QString | id () |
Returns the global ID of this window. More... | |
KviInput * | input () |
void | internalOutput (KviIrcView *pView, int iMsgType, const kvi_wchar_t *pwText, int iFlags=0, const QDateTime &datetime=QDateTime()) |
bool | isChannel () const |
bool | isConsole () const |
bool | isDocked () |
bool | isQuery () const |
KviWindow (Type eType, const QString &szName, KviConsoleWindow *pConsole=0) | |
Constructs the window object. More... | |
const QString & | lastLineOfText () |
const QString & | lastMessageText () |
void | listWindowTypes () |
virtual const QString & | localNick () |
QTextEncoder * | makeEncoder () |
unsigned long int | numericId () |
Returns the global ID of this window. More... | |
virtual void | output (int iMsgType, const char *pcFormat,...) |
virtual void | output (int iMsgType, const kvi_wchar_t *pwFormat,...) |
virtual void | output (int iMsgType, QString szFmt,...) |
void | output (int iMsgType, const QDateTime &datetime, const char *pcFormat,...) |
void | output (int iMsgType, const QDateTime &datetime, const kvi_wchar_t *pwFormat,...) |
void | output (int iMsgType, const QDateTime &datetime, QString szFmt,...) |
virtual void | outputNoFmt (int iMsgType, const char *pcText, int iFlags=0, const QDateTime &datetime=QDateTime()) |
virtual void | outputNoFmt (int iMsgType, const kvi_wchar_t *pwText, int iFlags=0, const QDateTime &datetime=QDateTime()) |
virtual void | outputNoFmt (int iMsgType, const QString &szText, int iFlags=0, const QDateTime &datetime=QDateTime()) |
virtual KviWindow * | outputProxy () |
virtual const QString & | plainTextCaption () |
void | setFixedCaption (const QString &szCaption) |
void | setProgress (int iProgress) |
Sets the progress for the WindowList item. More... | |
bool | setTextEncoding (const QString &szTextEncoding) |
void | setWindowName (const QString &szName) |
Sets the name of the window. More... | |
void | setWindowTitle (QString &szTitle) |
KviTalSplitter * | splitter () |
Returns the splitter of this window. More... | |
QTextCodec * | textCodec () |
const QString & | textEncoding () |
virtual void | toggleButtonContainer () |
Type | type () const |
Returns the type of the window. More... | |
virtual const char * | typeString () |
Returns a descriptive name of the window type. More... | |
void | unhighlight () |
void | updateBackgrounds (QObject *pObj=0) |
virtual void | updateCaption () |
virtual void | updateIcon () |
KviIrcView * | view () const |
Returns the KviIrcView of this window. More... | |
KviWindowListItem * | windowListItem () |
Returns the windowList item. More... | |
const QString & | windowName () |
Returns the name of this window. More... | |
virtual | ~KviWindow () |
Destroys the window object. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | applyOptions () |
Applies the options. More... | |
virtual void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *pEvent) |
bool | eventFilter (QObject *pObject, QEvent *pEvent) |
Filters the events. More... | |
virtual void | fillCaptionBuffers () |
Fills in the caption buffers. More... | |
void | fixActionHistory () |
Fixes the action history. More... | |
virtual void | getBaseLogFileName (QString &szBuffer) |
Gets the base name for log file. More... | |
virtual void | getConfigGroupName (QString &szBuffer) |
Gets the group name. More... | |
void | getTalkingUsersStats (QString &szBuffer, QStringList &list, bool bPast) |
Gets the talking user stats to fill in the tooltip. More... | |
void | internalMask (const QString &szMask, bool bAdd, const QString &szSetBy, unsigned int uSetAt, KviPointerList< KviMaskEntry > *l, KviMaskEditor **ppEd, QString &szChangeMask) |
Called when someone sets a mask in the channel's lists. More... | |
virtual void | loadProperties (KviConfigurationFile *pCfg) |
Loads the properties from file. More... | |
virtual QPixmap * | myIconPtr () |
Returns the correct icon for the channel. More... | |
virtual void | preprocessMessage (QString &szMessage) |
Preprocess message stripping control bytes. More... | |
virtual void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *) |
virtual void | saveProperties (KviConfigurationFile *pCfg) |
Saves the properties to file. More... | |
void | showDoubleView (bool bShow) |
Splits the channel view into two views. More... | |
virtual void | triggerCreationEvents () |
Trigger the OnChannelWindowCreated event. More... | |
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virtual void | childEvent (QChildEvent *pEvent) |
void | childInserted (QWidget *pObject) |
void | childRemoved (QWidget *pObject) |
virtual void | childrenTreeChanged (QWidget *pAdded) |
void | createCryptControllerButton (QWidget *pPar) |
void | createSystemTextEncodingPopup () |
void | createTextEncodingButton (QWidget *pPar) |
QToolButton * | createToolButton (QWidget *pPar, const char *pcName, KviIconManager::SmallIcon eIcon, const QString &szToolTip, bool bOn) |
virtual void | createWindowListItem () |
virtual void | destroyWindowListItem () |
bool | eventFilter (QObject *pObject, QEvent *pEvent) |
void | fillSingleColorCaptionBuffers (const QString &szName) |
virtual void | focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *) |
virtual bool | focusNextPrevChild (bool bNext) |
virtual void | inputMethodEvent (QInputMethodEvent *e) |
virtual void | moveEvent (QMoveEvent *pEvent) |
void | setType (Type eType) |
virtual void | triggerDestructionEvents () |
virtual void | youAreDocked () |
virtual void | youAreUndocked () |
Private Slots | |
void | modeSelectorDone () |
Called when we close the mode editor. More... | |
void | removeMasks (KviMaskEditor *pEd, KviPointerList< KviMaskEntry > *pList) |
Removes the masks from the mask editor window. More... | |
void | setMode (QString &szMode) |
Called when we select the modes from the mode editor. More... | |
void | textViewRightClicked () |
Called when we right-click the irc view. More... | |
void | toggleDoubleView () |
Toggles the double view mode. More... | |
void | toggleListModeEditor () |
Toggles a list mode editor. More... | |
void | toggleListView () |
Toggles the userlist view. More... | |
void | toggleModeEditor () |
Toggles the mode editor. More... | |
void | toggleToolButtons () |
Toggles tool buttons widget over the listview. More... | |
void | topicSelected (const QString &szTopic) |
Called when we select the topic. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void | autoRaise () |
void | dock () |
void | reloadImages () |
void | savePropertiesAsDefault () |
void | undock () |
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void | childDestroyed () |
void | cryptControllerFinished () |
void | cryptSessionInfoDestroyed () |
void | systemTextEncodingPopupActivated (QAction *pAction) |
void | textEncodingButtonClicked () |
void | toggleCryptController () |
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static const char * | m_typeTable [TypeCount] |
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int | KviProperty_ChildFocusOwner |
The class which manages a channel.
Holds the state flags of the channel.
KviChannelWindow::KviChannelWindow | ( | KviConsoleWindow * | lpConsole, |
const QString & | szName | ||
) |
Constructs the channel object.
lpConsole | The console of the context |
szName | The name of the channel |
References __tr2qs, KviTalToolTip::add(), applyOptions(), KviIconManager::Ban, KviIconManager::BanExcept, KviIconManager::BanUnExcept, buttonContainer(), KviIconManager::ChanAdmin, KviIconManager::ChanMode, KviIconManager::ChanModeHide, KviIconManager::ChanUnAdmin, connect(), KviWindow::connection(), KviWindow::createCryptControllerButton(), KviWindow::createTextEncodingButton(), g_pIconManager, KviIconManager::getBigIcon(), KviIrcConnectionServerInfo::getChannelModeDescription(), KviIconManager::HideDoubleView, KviIconManager::HideListView, KviIconManager::InviteExcept, KviIconManager::InviteUnExcept, KviIconManager::Kick, KviIconManager::KickOff, KVI_CHANNEL_AVERAGE_USERS, KVI_OPTION_BOOL, kvi_time_t, KviWindow::KviInput, KviOption_boolAutoLogChannels, KviTalSplitter, m_iStateFlags, m_joinTime, m_pActionHistory, KviWindow::m_pButtonBox, m_pButtonContainer, m_pDoubleViewButton, KviWindow::m_pHideToolsButton, KviWindow::m_pInput, KviWindow::m_pIrcView, m_pListEditorButtons, m_pListViewButton, m_pMessageView, m_pModeEditor, m_pModeEditorButton, m_pModeWidget, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, m_pTmpHighLighted, m_pTopicWidget, m_pTopSplitter, m_pUserListView, m_pVertSplitter, m_tLastReceivedWhoReply, m_uActionHistoryHotActionCount, KviIrcConnection::registerChannel(), serverInfo(), KviTalHBox::setMargin(), setMode(), KviTalHBox::setSpacing(), KviIconManager::ShowDoubleView, KviIconManager::ShowListView, KviIrcView::startLogging(), KviIrcConnectionServerInfo::supportedListModes(), textViewRightClicked(), toggleDoubleView(), toggleListModeEditor(), toggleListView(), toggleModeEditor(), toggleToolButtons(), topicSelected(), and KviIconManager::UnBan.
KviChannelWindow::~KviChannelWindow | ( | ) |
Destroys the channel object.
References KviWindow::connection(), KviWindow::context(), KviWindow::DeadChannel, KviUserListView::enableUpdates(), m_pActionHistory, m_pListEditorButtons, m_pListEditors, m_pModeLists, m_pTmpHighLighted, m_pUserListView, KviUserListView::partAll(), KviWindow::type(), KviIrcConnection::unregisterChannel(), and KviIrcContext::unregisterDeadChannel().
virtual |
Colors the icon who tells how much activity there is.
puActivityValue | The value of the activity |
puActivityTemperature | The temperature of the activity |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviWindow::Cold, Cold, KviWindow::Fire, fixActionHistory(), KviWindow::High, KviWindow::Hot, Hot, KviWindow::Ice, Ice, KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_COUNT, KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_TIMESPAN, kvi_time_t, kvi_unixTime, KviWindow::Low, m_joinTime, m_pActionHistory, m_uActionHistoryHotActionCount, KviWindow::Medium, KviWindow::None, _KviChannelAction::tTime, KviWindow::Undefined, Undefined, KviWindow::VeryCold, VeryCold, KviWindow::VeryHigh, KviWindow::VeryHot, VeryHot, and KviWindow::VeryLow.
void KviChannelWindow::addHighlightedUser | ( | const QString & | szNick | ) |
Adds a user to the highlight list.
szNick | The nickname of the user |
References KviUserListView::findEntry(), m_pTmpHighLighted, and m_pUserListView.
protectedvirtual |
Applies the options.
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviThemedLineEdit::applyOptions(), KviTopicWidget::applyOptions(), KviIrcView::applyOptions(), KviUserListView::applyOptions(), KviWindow::applyOptions(), m_pMessageView, m_pModeWidget, m_pTopicWidget, and m_pUserListView.
Referenced by KviChannelWindow().
inline |
Returns true if the avatar of a user is changed.
szNick | The nickname of the user |
References KviUserListView::avatarChanged().
inlinevirtual |
Returns the button container object.
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), loadProperties(), saveProperties(), and toggleToolButtons().
inline |
Returns the number of users with chanadmin status.
References KviUserListView::chanAdminCount().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_admincount().
void KviChannelWindow::channelAction | ( | const QString & | szNick, |
unsigned int | uActionType, | ||
int | iTemperature | ||
) |
Called when someone perform an action in the channel.
szNick | The nickname of the user who made the action |
uActionType | The type of the action |
iTemperature | The temperature of the action |
References fixActionHistory(), _KviChannelAction::iTemperature, kvi_unixTime, m_pActionHistory, m_uActionHistoryHotActionCount, _KviChannelAction::szNick, _KviChannelAction::tTime, and _KviChannelAction::uActionType.
Referenced by nickChange(), part(), and userAction().
inline |
Returns the value (parameter) for a channel mode (eg. the password for mode k)
cMode | The mode |
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_getUrl(), chan_kvs_fnc_key(), chan_kvs_fnc_limit(), chan_kvs_fnc_modeParam(), KviModeEditor::commit(), KviModeWidget::editorReturnPressed(), KviModeEditor::KviModeEditor(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralKick().
inline |
Returns the number of users with chanowner status.
References KviUserListView::chanOwnerCount().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_ownercount().
void KviChannelWindow::checkChannelSync | ( | ) |
Checks the channel synchronization time.
References __tr2qs, KviWindow::connection(), HaveWhoList, KVI_OPTION_BOOL, KVI_OUT_SYSTEMMESSAGE, KviEvent_OnChannelSync, KviOption_boolShowChannelSyncTime, KVS_TRIGGER_EVENT_1_HALTED, m_iStateFlags, m_joinTime, m_szSentModeRequests, KviWindow::output(), SentWhoRequest, and Synchronized.
Referenced by KviIrcConnectionRequestQueue::timerSlot().
inline |
Clears the sync WHO request flag.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfWho().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviKvsVariant::asString(), KviWindow::closeEvent(), KviWindow::connection(), KviWindow::context(), DeadChan, KviWindow::encodeText(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), KviQString::escapeKvs(), KviKvsScript::evaluate(), KviConsoleWindow::isConnected(), KVI_OPTION_STRING, KviOption_stringPartMessage, m_iStateFlags, KviWindow::m_pConsole, KviWindow::m_szName, KviRuntimeInfo::name(), partMessageSent(), KviQString::PermitFunctions, KviQString::PermitVariables, KviIrcConnection::sendFmtData(), SentPart, and KviIrcContext::unregisterDeadChannel().
inline |
Returns true if the channel has to be closed on part.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralPart().
inline |
Returns the number of users.
References KviUserListView::count().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_usercount(), and KviIrcView::doLinkToolTip().
inline |
Enables or disable the userlist updates.
bEnable | Whether to enable the updates |
References KviUserListView::enableUpdates().
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericNames().
protected |
Filters the events.
pObject | The object |
pEvent | The event |
References KviTopicWidget::deactivate(), KviWindow::eventFilter(), and m_pTopicWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Fills in the caption buffers.
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References __tr2qs, KviWindow::connection(), KviIrcConnection::currentNickName(), KviIrcConnection::currentServerName(), getChannelModeString(), getUserFlag(), KviWindow::m_szName, m_szNameWithUserFlag, and KviWindow::m_szPlainTextCaption.
inline |
Searches for a user in the userlist.
szNick | The nickname of the user to find |
References KviUserListView::findEntry().
Referenced by preprocessMessage().
inline |
Returns the first selected nickname in the userlist.
References KviUserListView::firstSelectedNickname().
protected |
Fixes the action history.
References _KviChannelAction::iTemperature, KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_COUNT, KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_TIMESPAN, kvi_time_t, m_pActionHistory, m_uActionHistoryHotActionCount, and _KviChannelAction::tTime.
Referenced by activityMeter(), channelAction(), and getChannelActivityStats().
protectedvirtual |
Gets the base name for log file.
szBuffer | The buffer where to save data |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviWindow::connection(), KviWindow::context(), and KviWindow::windowName().
void KviChannelWindow::getChannelActivityStats | ( | KviChannelActivityStats * | pStats | ) |
Gets the channel activity stats and put them in the buffer.
pStats | The buffer where to store the data |
References _KviChannelActivityStats::bStatsInaccurate, _KviChannelActivityStats::dActionsPerMinute, fixActionHistory(), _KviChannelActivityStats::iAverageActionTemperature, isOn(), _KviChannelAction::iTemperature, KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_COUNT, KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_TIMESPAN, kvi_time_t, kvi_unixTime, KVI_USERACTION_ACTION, KVI_USERACTION_NOTICE, KVI_USERACTION_PRIVMSG, _KviChannelActivityStats::lTalkingUsers, _KviChannelActivityStats::lWereTalkingUsers, m_joinTime, m_pActionHistory, KviPointerHashTable< Key, T >::setAutoDelete(), _KviChannelAction::szNick, _KviChannelAction::tTime, _KviChannelActivityStats::uActionCount, _KviChannelActivityStats::uActionsInTheLastMinute, _KviChannelAction::uActionType, _KviChannelActivityStats::uFirstActionTimeSpan, _KviChannelActivityStats::uHotActionCount, _KviChannelActivityStats::uHotActionPercent, and _KviChannelActivityStats::uLastActionTimeSpan.
Referenced by getWindowListTipText().
void KviChannelWindow::getChannelModeString | ( | QString & | szBuffer | ) |
Fills szBuffer with all set channel modes, but without any parameters (eg: lkmi)
szBuffer | The buffer :) |
References m_szChannelMode, and m_szChannelParameterModes.
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_mode(), KviIrcView::doLinkToolTip(), fillCaptionBuffers(), and KviTopicWidget::switchMode().
void KviChannelWindow::getChannelModeStringWithEmbeddedParams | ( | QString & | szBuffer | ) |
Fills szBuffer with all set channel modes and any parameters (eg: mi l:10 k:password)
szBuffer | The buffer :) |
References m_szChannelMode, and m_szChannelParameterModes.
Referenced by KviModeWidget::editorReturnPressed(), and KviModeWidget::refreshModes().
protectedvirtual |
Gets the group name.
szBuffer | The buffer where to save the data |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviWindow::connection(), KviRuntimeInfo::name(), target(), and KviWindow::windowName().
protected |
Gets the talking user stats to fill in the tooltip.
szBuffer | The buffer where to store the data |
list | The list of talking users |
bPast | Whether the activity is recent or in the past |
References __tr2qs, and KviQString::toHtmlEscaped().
Referenced by getWindowListTipText().
inline |
Returns the flag of a user.
szNick | The nick of the user |
References KviUserListView::getUserFlag().
Referenced by fillCaptionBuffers().
virtual |
Creates the tooltip over the channel treeview.
szBuffer | The buffer where to store the data |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References __tr2qs, _KviChannelActivityStats::bStatsInaccurate, _KviChannelActivityStats::dActionsPerMinute, DeadChan, END_TABLE_BOLD_ROW, getChannelActivityStats(), getTalkingUsersStats(), _KviChannelActivityStats::lTalkingUsers, _KviChannelActivityStats::lWereTalkingUsers, m_iStateFlags, m_pUserListView, KviWindow::m_szPlainTextCaption, s, START_TABLE_BOLD_ROW, KviQString::toHtmlEscaped(), _KviUserListViewUserStats::uActive, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uActiveOp, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uChanAdmin, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uChanOwner, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uHalfOp, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uHot, _KviChannelActivityStats::uHotActionPercent, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uHotOp, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uIrcOp, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uOp, KviUserListView::userStats(), _KviUserListViewUserStats::uTotal, _KviUserListViewUserStats::uUserOp, and _KviUserListViewUserStats::uVoiced.
inline |
Returns the number of users with halfop status.
References KviUserListView::halfOpCount().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_halfopcount().
inline |
Returns true if the channel has all names.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfNames(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericNames().
inline |
Returns true if the channel has a ban exception list.
inline |
Returns true if the channel has a ban list.
inline |
Returns true if the channel has a mode with parameter set (eg. mode k)
cMode | The mode |
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_getUrl(), chan_kvs_fnc_key(), chan_kvs_fnc_limit(), chan_kvs_fnc_modeParam(), KviModeEditor::commit(), KviModeWidget::editorReturnPressed(), KviModeEditor::KviModeEditor(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralKick().
inline |
Returns true if the channel has an invite list.
inline |
Returns true if the channel has a quiet ban list.
inline |
Returns true if the channel has a WHO list.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfWho(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericWhoReply(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericWhospcrpl().
protected |
Called when someone sets a mask in the channel's lists.
szMask | The mask set |
bAdd | Whether to add or remove the mask |
szSetBy | Who set the mask |
uSetAt | The datetime when the mask was set |
l | The list of masks in the channel lists |
ppEd | The mask editor window |
szChangeMask | If bAdd is false and this string is set, the mask will be updated instead that removed |
References __tr2qs, KviPointerList< T >::append(), KviQString::equalCI(), KviPointerList< T >::first(), KviPointerList< T >::next(), KviPointerList< T >::removeRef(), _KviMaskEntry::szMask, _KviMaskEntry::szSetBy, and _KviMaskEntry::uSetAt.
Referenced by setModeInList().
inline |
Returns true if the user is a chan admin.
szNick | The nickname of the user to check |
bAtLeast | Whether the user is at least a chan admin |
References KviUserListView::isChanAdmin().
inline |
Returns true if the user is a chan owner.
szNick | The nickname of the user to check |
bAtLeast | Whether the user is at least a chan owner |
References KviUserListView::isChanOwner().
inline |
Returns true if the channel is dead.
inline |
Returns true if the user is a half operator.
szNick | The nickname of the user to check |
bAtLeast | Whether the user is at least a half operator |
References KviUserListView::isHalfOp().
inline |
Returns true if the user is highlighted.
szNick | The nickname of the user |
bool KviChannelWindow::isMeChanAdmin | ( | bool | bAtLeast = false | ) |
Returns true if we are a chan admin.
bAtLeast | Whether we are at least a chan admin |
bool KviChannelWindow::isMeChanOwner | ( | bool | bAtLeast = false | ) |
Returns true if we are a chan owner.
bAtLeast | Whether we are at least a chan owner |
bool KviChannelWindow::isMeHalfOp | ( | bool | bAtLeast = false | ) |
Returns true if we are a half operator.
bAtLeast | Whether we are at least a half operator |
Referenced by KviMaskEditor::addClicked(), KviMaskEditor::itemDoubleClicked(), KviModeWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(), KviTopicWidget::switchMode(), KviModeEditor::updateOpStatus(), and KviMaskEditor::updateOpStatus().
bool KviChannelWindow::isMeIrcOp | ( | bool | bAtLeast = false | ) |
Returns true if we are an ircop.
bAtLeast | Whether we are at least an ircop |
bool KviChannelWindow::isMeOp | ( | bool | bAtLeast = false | ) |
Returns true if we are an operator.
bAtLeast | Whether we are at least an operator |
Referenced by KviIrcConnectionRequestQueue::timerSlot().
bool KviChannelWindow::isMeUserOp | ( | bool | bAtLeast = false | ) |
Returns true if we are a user operator.
bAtLeast | Whether we are at least a user operator |
bool KviChannelWindow::isMeVoice | ( | bool | bAtLeast = false | ) |
Returns true if we are a voice.
bAtLeast | Whether we are at least a voice |
inline |
Returns true if the user is on the channel.
szNick | The nickname of the user |
References KviUserListView::findEntry().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_ison(), KviInputEditor::checkWordSpelling(), and getChannelActivityStats().
inline |
Returns true if the user is an operator.
szNick | The nickname of the user to check |
bAtLeast | Whether the user is at least an operator |
References KviUserListView::isOp().
inline |
Returns true if the user is a user operator.
szNick | The nickname of the user to check |
bAtLeast | Whether the user is at least a user operator |
References KviUserListView::isUserOp().
inline |
Returns true if the user is a voice.
szNick | The nickname of the user to check |
bAtLeast | Whether the user is at least a voice |
References KviUserListView::isVoice().
inline |
Called when a user joins the channel.
szNick | The nickname of the user |
szUser | The username of the user |
szHost | The hostname of the user |
iFlags | The flags of the user |
References KviUserListView::join(), and szHost.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralJoin(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericNames().
inline |
Returns the time of the last received WHO reply.
Referenced by KviIrcConnection::heartbeat().
QByteArray KviChannelWindow::loadLogFile | ( | const QString & | szFileName, |
bool | bGzip | ||
) |
Loads a log file.
It opens a logfile, gzipped or not, and returns the content in a buffer
szFileName | The filename of the log file |
bGzip | Whether the log file is gzipped |
Referenced by pasteLastLog().
protectedvirtual |
Loads the properties from file.
pCfg | The config file |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References buttonContainer(), KVI_OPTION_BOOL, KviOption_boolHideWindowToolButtons, KviWindow::loadProperties(), KviWindow::m_pIrcView, m_pListViewButton, m_pMessageView, m_privateBackground, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, m_pTopSplitter, m_pUserListView, m_SplitterSizesList, m_VertSplitterSizesList, KviConfigurationFile::readBoolEntry(), KviConfigurationFile::readIntListEntry(), KviConfigurationFile::readPixmapEntry(), resizeEvent(), KviIrcView::setPrivateBackgroundPixmap(), showDoubleView(), and toggleToolButtons().
virtual |
Called when the channel losts the focus by the user.
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviIrcView::clearLineMark(), KviIrcView::hasLineMark(), KviWindow::lostUserFocus(), and m_pMessageView.
inline |
Returns the number of masks is a channel mode list.
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_bancount(), chan_kvs_fnc_banexceptioncount(), chan_kvs_fnc_invitecount(), and chan_kvs_fnc_maskcount().
inline |
inline |
Returns a list of masks for a specific mode.
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_banexceptionlist(), chan_kvs_fnc_banlist(), chan_kvs_fnc_invitelist(), chan_kvs_fnc_masklist(), chan_kvs_fnc_matchban(), chan_kvs_fnc_matchbanexception(), chan_kvs_fnc_matchinvite(), chan_kvs_fnc_matchmask(), and chan_kvs_fnc_matchqban().
privateslot |
Called when we close the mode editor.
References m_pModeEditor, and toggleModeEditor().
Referenced by toggleModeEditor().
int KviChannelWindow::myFlags | ( | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Returns the correct icon for the channel.
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviIconManager::Channel, DeadChan, KviIconManager::DeadChannel, g_pIconManager, KviIconManager::getSmallIcon(), and m_iStateFlags.
inline |
Returns the name of the channel with user flags.
inline |
Returns the next selected nickname in the userlist.
References KviUserListView::nextSelectedNickname().
bool KviChannelWindow::nickChange | ( | const QString & | szOldNick, |
const QString & | szNewNick | ||
) |
Called when someone changes his nick.
szOldNick | The old nickname of the user |
szNewNick | The new nickname of the user |
References channelAction(), kvi_getUserActionTemperature(), KVI_USERACTION_NICK, m_pModeLists, m_pUserListView, KviUserListView::nickChange(), and setModeInList().
inline |
Returns the number of users with op status.
References KviUserListView::opCount().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_opcount().
signal |
virtual |
Outputs a message to the channel window.
iMsgType | The type of the message |
szMsg | The message :) |
References KviWindow::internalOutput(), KviWindow::m_pIrcView, m_pMessageView, KviIrcView::messageShouldGoToMessageView(), and preprocessMessage().
Referenced by ownAction(), and pasteLastLog().
virtual |
Called when we perform an action.
szBuffer | The buffer :) |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviWindow::connection(), KviIrcConnection::currentNickName(), KviWindow::encodeText(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), KviIrcConnectionUserInfo::hostName(), KVI_OPTION_BOOL, KVI_OUT_ACTION, KVI_USERACTION_ACTION, KviEvent_OnMeAction, KviOption_boolStripMircColorsInUserMessages, KVS_TRIGGER_EVENT_2_HALTED, KviWindow::m_szName, KviWindow::makeEncoder(), KviRuntimeInfo::name(), KviIrcConnectionUserInfo::nickName(), outputMessage(), KviControlCodes::stripControlBytes(), szBuffer, userAction(), KviIrcConnection::userInfo(), KviIrcConnectionUserInfo::userName(), and KviWindow::windowName().
virtual |
Called when we send a message.
szBuffer | The buffer :) |
bUserFeedback | Whether to display the echo feedback to the user |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References __tr2qs, KviWindow::connection(), KviControlCodes::CryptEscape, KviWindow::decodeText(), KviCryptEngine::Encoded, KviWindow::encodeText(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), KviCryptEngine::Encrypted, KviIrcConnectionUserInfo::hostName(), KVI_OUT_OWNPRIVMSG, KVI_OUT_OWNPRIVMSGCRYPTED, KVI_OUT_SYSTEMERROR, KVI_USERACTION_PRIVMSG, KviWindow::m_pConsole, KviWindow::makeEncoder(), KviRuntimeInfo::name(), KviIrcConnectionUserInfo::nickName(), KviConsoleWindow::NoNotifications, KviWindow::output(), KviConsoleWindow::outputPrivmsg(), KviCString::ptr(), KviIrcConnection::sendFmtData(), userAction(), KviIrcConnection::userInfo(), KviIrcConnectionUserInfo::userName(), and KviWindow::windowName().
bool KviChannelWindow::part | ( | const QString & | szNick | ) |
Called when someone parts the channel.
szNick | The nickname of the user who parts |
References channelAction(), kvi_getUserActionTemperature(), KVI_USERACTION_PART, m_pModeLists, m_pUserListView, KviUserListView::part(), and setModeInList().
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralKick(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralPart().
void KviChannelWindow::partMessageSent | ( | bool | bCloseOnPart = true , |
bool | bShowMessage = true |
) |
Called when we want to part a channel.
bCloseOnPart | Whether to leave channel open after part |
bShowMessage | Whether to show part message |
References __tr2qs, KVI_OUT_SYSTEMMESSAGE, m_iStateFlags, NoCloseOnPart, KviWindow::outputNoFmt(), and SentPart.
Referenced by closeEvent(), and KviKvsCoreSimpleCommands::KVSCSC().
void KviChannelWindow::pasteLastLog | ( | ) |
Pastes the most recent channel log into the buffer.
It searches for the most recent channel log of the channel we have just joined, and pastes into the buffer the last N lines, where N is get from the options
References __tr2qs, KviWindow::console(), KviConsoleWindow::currentNetworkName(), g_pApp, KviApplication::getLocalKvircDirectory(), KVI_OPTION_UINT, KVI_OUT_CHANPRIVMSG, KviOption_uintDaysIntervalToPasteOnChannelJoin, KviOption_uintLinesToPasteOnChannelJoin, loadLogFile(), KviApplication::Log, outputMessage(), target(), and u.
Referenced by KviIrcConnection::createChannel().
inline |
Returns only the plain (parameter-less) channel modes (eg: mi)
Referenced by KviModeEditor::commit(), KviModeEditor::KviModeEditor(), and KviTopicWidget::switchMode().
inline |
Prepends the user flag to the nickname.
szNick | The nickname of the user |
szBuffer | The buffer :) |
References KviUserListView::prependUserFlag().
protectedvirtual |
Preprocess message stripping control bytes.
szMessage | The message :) |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References findEntry(), serverInfo(), KviControlCodes::stripControlBytes(), and KviIrcConnectionServerInfo::supportedChannelTypes().
Referenced by outputMessage().
void KviChannelWindow::removeHighlightedUser | ( | const QString & | szNick | ) |
Removes a user from the highlight list.
szNick | The nickname of the user |
References m_pTmpHighLighted.
privateslot |
Removes the masks from the mask editor window.
pEd | The mask editor |
pList | The list of masks to remove |
References KviWindow::connection(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), KviPointerList< T >::first(), KviMaskEditor::flag(), KviWindow::m_szName, KviIrcConnectionServerInfo::maxModeChanges(), KviPointerList< T >::next(), KviPointerList< T >::prev(), KviIrcConnection::sendFmtData(), and serverInfo().
Referenced by toggleListModeEditor().
protectedvirtual |
References KviInput::heightHint(), KviWindow::m_pButtonBox, KviWindow::m_pInput, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, m_pTopicWidget, and KviTopicWidget::sizeHint().
Referenced by loadProperties(), and toggleModeEditor().
protectedvirtual |
Saves the properties to file.
pCfg | The config file |
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References buttonContainer(), m_pMessageView, m_privateBackground, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, m_pTopSplitter, m_pUserListView, m_pVertSplitter, m_SplitterSizesList, m_VertSplitterSizesList, KviWindow::saveProperties(), and KviConfigurationFile::writeEntry().
inline |
inline |
Returns true if we have sent a list request for a specific channel mode.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumeric367(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumeric368(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfQuietList(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericOftcEndOfQuietList(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericOftcQuietList(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericQuietList().
inline |
Returns true if we have sent the sync WHO request.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfWho(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericWhoReply(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericWhospcrpl().
inline |
Returns true if we have sent the WHO request.
KviIrcConnectionServerInfo * KviChannelWindow::serverInfo | ( | ) |
Gets the KviIrcConnectionServerInfo structure associated to the current connection.
References KviWindow::connection(), and KviIrcConnection::serverInfo().
Referenced by KviModeEditor::commit(), KviModeWidget::editorReturnPressed(), KviModeEditor::getModeDescription(), KviChannelWindow(), KviMaskEditor::KviMaskEditor(), KviModeEditor::KviModeEditor(), KviModeWidget::modeNeedsParameterOnlyWhenSet(), KviModeEditor::modeNeedsParameterOnlyWhenSet(), preprocessMessage(), removeMasks(), KviIrcConnectionRequestQueue::timerSlot(), and updateModeLabel().
void KviChannelWindow::setAliveChan | ( | ) |
Sets the channel as alive.
References KviWindow::Channel, KviWindow::connection(), KviWindow::context(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), KviIrcView::isLogging(), m_iStateFlags, m_joinTime, KviWindow::m_pIrcView, m_pListEditors, m_pTopicWidget, m_pUserListView, KviWindow::m_szName, m_szSentModeRequests, KviIrcConnection::registerChannel(), KviTopicWidget::reset(), KviIrcConnection::sendFmtData(), KviWindow::setType(), KviUserListView::setUserDataBase(), KviIrcView::startLogging(), KviIrcContext::unregisterDeadChannel(), KviWindow::updateCaption(), and KviWindow::updateIcon().
Referenced by KviIrcConnection::createChannel().
inline |
Sets the chan admin mode.
szNick | The nick to set the mode on |
bChanAdmin | Whether to set or unset the mode on the user |
References KviUserListView::setChanAdmin().
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseChannelMode().
void KviChannelWindow::setChannelMode | ( | char | cMode, |
bool | bAdd | ||
) |
Sets a plain (parameter-less) channel mode, (eg: +m)
cMode | The mode to set |
bAdd | Whether to add or remove the mode |
References m_szChannelMode, KviWindow::updateCaption(), and updateModeLabel().
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseChannelMode().
void KviChannelWindow::setChannelModeWithParam | ( | char | cMode, |
QString & | szParam | ||
) |
Sets a channel mode with a parameter; an empty parameter unsets the mode (eg: +k password)
cMode | The mode |
szParam | The parameter for the mode |
References m_szChannelParameterModes, KviWindow::updateCaption(), and updateModeLabel().
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseChannelMode().
inline |
Sets the chan owner mode.
szNick | The nick to set the mode on |
bChanOwner | Whether to set or unset the mode on the user |
References KviUserListView::setChanOwner().
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseChannelMode().
void KviChannelWindow::setDeadChan | ( | ) |
Sets the channel as dead.
References KviWindow::connection(), KviWindow::context(), DeadChan, KviWindow::DeadChannel, KviUserListView::enableUpdates(), m_iStateFlags, m_pActionHistory, m_pListEditors, m_pModeLists, m_pTopicWidget, m_pUserListView, m_szChannelMode, m_szChannelParameterModes, m_szSentModeRequests, m_uActionHistoryHotActionCount, NoCloseOnPart, KviUserListView::partAll(), KviIrcContext::registerDeadChannel(), KviTopicWidget::reset(), SentSyncWhoRequest, KviWindow::setType(), KviUserListView::setUserDataBase(), KviIrcConnection::unregisterChannel(), KviWindow::updateCaption(), KviWindow::updateIcon(), and updateModeLabel().
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralKick(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralPart().
inline |
Sets the half operator mode.
szNick | The nick to set the mode on |
bHalfOp | Whether to set or unset the mode on the user |
References KviUserListView::setHalfOp().
inline |
Sets the existence of all names.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfNames().
inline |
Sets the existence of the WHO list.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfWho().
inline |
Sets the time of the last received WHO reply.
tTime | The source time |
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfWho().
inline |
Clears the "sent request" flag for a specific chanel mode.
Referenced by KviIrcServerParser::parseNumeric368(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfQuietList(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericOftcEndOfQuietList().
privateslot |
Called when we select the modes from the mode editor.
szMode | The modes selected, including any plus/minus sign and parameters |
References KviWindow::connection(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), KviWindow::m_szName, and KviIrcConnection::sendFmtData().
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), and toggleModeEditor().
void KviChannelWindow::setModeInList | ( | char | cMode, |
const QString & | szMask, | ||
bool | bAdd, | ||
const QString & | szSetBy, | ||
unsigned int | uSetAt, | ||
QString | szChangeMask = QString() |
) |
Called when someone sets a channel mode that is stored in a list; these modes require a parameter that is tipically a mask.
cMode | The type of the mask |
szMask | The mask set (more generically, the parameter) |
bAdd | Whether to add or remove the mask |
szSetBy | Who set the mask |
uSetAt | The datetime when the mask was set |
szChangeMask | If bAdd is false and this string is set, the mask will be updated instead that removed |
References KviWindow::connection(), KviPointerList< T >::count(), internalMask(), m_pListEditors, m_pModeLists, m_pUserListView, KviPointerList< T >::setAutoDelete(), and KviUserListView::setMaskEntries().
Referenced by nickChange(), KviIrcServerParser::parseChannelMode(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumeric367(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericOftcQuietList(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericQuietList(), and part().
bool KviChannelWindow::setOp | ( | const QString & | szNick, |
bool | bOp, | ||
bool | bIsMe | ||
) |
Sets the operator mode.
szNick | The nick to set the mode on |
bOp | Whether to set or unset the mode on the user |
bIsMe | Whether the user opped is us |
References m_pUserListView, opStatusChanged(), and KviUserListView::setOp().
inline |
Sets the "sent request" flag for a specific channel mode.
Referenced by KviIrcConnectionRequestQueue::timerSlot().
inline |
inline |
inline |
Sets the user operator mode.
szNick | The nick to set the mode on |
bUserOp | Whether to set or unset the mode on the user |
References KviUserListView::setUserOp().
inline |
Sets the voice mode.
szNick | The nick to set the mode on |
bVoice | Whether to set or unset the mode on the user |
References KviUserListView::setVoice().
protected |
Splits the channel view into two views.
The upper one will be used to show all system messages like join, parts, quits, topics and so on, while the lower one will be used to show the users messages.
bShow | Whether to show the double view |
References connect(), KviIrcView::joinMessagesFrom(), m_pDoubleViewButton, KviWindow::m_pIrcView, m_pMessageView, m_privateBackground, m_pVertSplitter, m_VertSplitterSizesList, KviPixmap::pixmap(), KviIrcView::setMasterView(), KviIrcView::setPrivateBackgroundPixmap(), KviIrcView::splitMessagesTo(), and textViewRightClicked().
Referenced by loadProperties(), and toggleDoubleView().
virtual |
Returns the size of the channel.
References KviInput::heightHint(), KviWindow::m_pButtonBox, KviWindow::m_pInput, KviWindow::m_pIrcView, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, and KviIrcView::sizeHint().
inlinevirtual |
Returns the name of the channel.
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviWindow::windowName().
Referenced by KviMaskInputDialog::accept(), getConfigGroupName(), pasteLastLog(), and KviIrcConnectionRequestQueue::timerSlot().
privateslot |
Called when we right-click the irc view.
Trigger the OnChannelPopupRequest event
References KviEvent_OnChannelPopupRequest, and KVS_TRIGGER_EVENT_0.
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), and showDoubleView().
privateslot |
Toggles the double view mode.
References m_pDoubleViewButton, m_pMessageView, and showDoubleView().
Referenced by KviChannelWindow().
privateslot |
Toggles a list mode editor.
References connect(), KviWindow::connection(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), m_pListEditorButtons, m_pListEditors, m_pModeLists, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, KviWindow::m_szName, m_szSentModeRequests, removeMasks(), KviIrcConnection::sendFmtData(), and KviPointerList< T >::setAutoDelete().
Referenced by KviChannelWindow().
privateslot |
Toggles the userlist view.
References m_pListViewButton, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, m_pUserListView, and m_SplitterSizesList.
Referenced by KviChannelWindow().
privateslot |
Toggles the mode editor.
References connect(), KviKvs::done(), m_pModeEditor, m_pModeEditorButton, KviWindow::m_pSplitter, modeSelectorDone(), resizeEvent(), and setMode().
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), and modeSelectorDone().
privateslot |
Toggles tool buttons widget over the listview.
References buttonContainer(), g_pIconManager, KviIconManager::getBigIcon(), KviWindow::m_pHideToolsButton, and KviWindow::toggleButtonContainer().
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), and loadProperties().
privateslot |
Called when we select the topic.
szTopic | The topic :) |
References __tr2qs, KviWindow::connection(), KviControlCodes::CryptEscape, KviCryptEngine::Encoded, KviWindow::encodeText(), KviIrcConnection::encodeText(), KviCryptEngine::Encrypted, KVI_OUT_SYSTEMERROR, KviWindow::m_szName, KviRuntimeInfo::name(), KviWindow::output(), KviCString::ptr(), and KviIrcConnection::sendFmtData().
Referenced by KviChannelWindow().
inline |
Returns the topic widget object.
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_topic(), chan_kvs_fnc_topicsetat(), chan_kvs_fnc_topicsetby(), KviIrcView::doLinkToolTip(), KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralTopic(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericNoTopic(), KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericTopic(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericTopicWhoTime().
protectedvirtual |
Trigger the OnChannelWindowCreated event.
Reimplemented from KviWindow.
References KviEvent_OnChannelWindowCreated, and KVS_TRIGGER_EVENT_0.
void KviChannelWindow::unhighlight | ( | ) |
Unhighlights the windowlist item.
References KviWindow::m_pWindowListItem, and KviWindowListItem::unhighlight().
void KviChannelWindow::updateModeLabel | ( | ) |
Updates the tooltip over the channel modes.
References __tr2qs, KviTalToolTip::add(), KviQString::appendFormatted(), KviWindow::connection(), END_TABLE_BOLD_ROW, KviIrcConnectionServerInfo::getChannelModeDescription(), KviWindow::m_pConsole, m_pModeWidget, m_szChannelMode, m_szChannelParameterModes, KviCString::ptr(), KviModeWidget::refreshModes(), KviTalToolTip::remove(), KviIrcConnection::serverInfo(), serverInfo(), START_TABLE_BOLD_ROW, and KviQString::toHtmlEscaped().
Referenced by setChannelMode(), setChannelModeWithParam(), and setDeadChan().
void KviChannelWindow::userAction | ( | KviIrcMask * | user, |
unsigned int | uActionType | ||
) |
Perform a user action in the channel.
user | The user who made the action |
uActionType | The type of the action |
References channelAction(), kvi_getUserActionTemperature(), m_pUserListView, KviIrcMask::nick(), and KviUserListView::userAction().
Referenced by ownAction(), ownMessage(), KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralKick(), KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralMode(), KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralNotice(), KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralPrivmsg(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseLiteralTopic().
void KviChannelWindow::userAction | ( | const QString & | szNick, |
unsigned int | uActionType | ||
) |
Perform a user action in the channel.
szNick | The nickname of the user who made the action |
uActionType | The type of the action |
References channelAction(), kvi_getUserActionTemperature(), m_pUserListView, and KviUserListView::userAction().
void KviChannelWindow::userAction | ( | const QString & | szNick, |
const QString & | szUser, | ||
const QString & | szHost, | ||
unsigned int | uActionType | ||
) |
Perform a user action in the channel.
szNick | The nickname of the user who made the action |
szUser | The username of the user who made the action |
szHost | The hostname of the user who made the action |
uActionType | The type of the action |
References channelAction(), kvi_getUserActionTemperature(), m_pUserListView, and KviUserListView::userAction().
inline |
Returns the user listview object.
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_getflag(), chan_kvs_fnc_userjointime(), chan_kvs_fnc_userlastactiontime(), chan_kvs_fnc_usermodelevel(), chan_kvs_fnc_users(), and KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericEndOfWho().
inline |
Returns the number of users with userop status.
References KviUserListView::userOpCount().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_useropcount().
inline |
Returns the number of users with voice status.
References KviUserListView::voiceCount().
Referenced by chan_kvs_fnc_voicecount().
protected |
Referenced by checkChannelSync(), closeEvent(), getWindowListTipText(), KviChannelWindow(), myIconPtr(), partMessageSent(), setAliveChan(), and setDeadChan().
protected |
Referenced by activityMeter(), checkChannelSync(), getChannelActivityStats(), KviChannelWindow(), and setAliveChan().
protected |
Referenced by activityMeter(), channelAction(), fixActionHistory(), getChannelActivityStats(), KviChannelWindow(), setDeadChan(), and ~KviChannelWindow().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), showDoubleView(), and toggleDoubleView().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), toggleListModeEditor(), and ~KviChannelWindow().
protected |
Referenced by setAliveChan(), setDeadChan(), setModeInList(), toggleListModeEditor(), and ~KviChannelWindow().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), loadProperties(), and toggleListView().
protected |
Referenced by applyOptions(), KviChannelWindow(), loadProperties(), lostUserFocus(), outputMessage(), saveProperties(), showDoubleView(), and toggleDoubleView().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), modeSelectorDone(), and toggleModeEditor().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), and toggleModeEditor().
protected |
Referenced by nickChange(), part(), setDeadChan(), setModeInList(), toggleListModeEditor(), and ~KviChannelWindow().
protected |
Referenced by applyOptions(), KviChannelWindow(), and updateModeLabel().
protected |
Referenced by loadProperties(), saveProperties(), and showDoubleView().
protected |
Referenced by addHighlightedUser(), KviChannelWindow(), removeHighlightedUser(), and ~KviChannelWindow().
protected |
Referenced by applyOptions(), eventFilter(), KviChannelWindow(), resizeEvent(), setAliveChan(), and setDeadChan().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), loadProperties(), and saveProperties().
protected |
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow(), saveProperties(), and showDoubleView().
protected |
Referenced by loadProperties(), saveProperties(), and toggleListView().
protected |
Referenced by getChannelModeString(), getChannelModeStringWithEmbeddedParams(), setChannelMode(), setDeadChan(), and updateModeLabel().
protected |
protected |
Referenced by fillCaptionBuffers().
protected |
Referenced by checkChannelSync(), setAliveChan(), setDeadChan(), and toggleListModeEditor().
protected |
Referenced by KviChannelWindow().
protected |
Referenced by activityMeter(), channelAction(), fixActionHistory(), KviChannelWindow(), and setDeadChan().
protected |
Referenced by loadProperties(), saveProperties(), and showDoubleView().