KVIrc  4.9.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 C_KviAvatarCacheEntryDefines a struct for the avatar entry in the cache
 C_KviChannelActionA struct which holds the channel actions
 C_KviChannelActivityStatsA struct which holds the activity stats
 C_KviIrcServerDefinitionServer definition
 C_KviIrcSocketMsgEntryHolds the messages entries
 C_KviNotifierMessageParamDefines a struct which holds information about the notifier message
 C_KviTextIconAssocEntryA struct that contains the icon association entries
 C_KviUserListViewUserStatsA struct to hold user statistics
 C_LogFileDataA struct that contains the data of a log
 CChannelsJoinDialogChannels join window class
 CChannelsJoinDialogTreeWidgetChannels join window tree widget
 CClassEditorTreeWidgetDescribes the tree widget hierarchy
 CClassEditorTreeWidgetItemDescribes an item inside the class editor tree widget
 CClassEditorWidgetThe Class Editor module
 CClassEditorWindowThis is the Class Editor window
 CKviActionDefines an action inside KVIrc
 CKviActionCategoryHolds the categories of an action
 CKviActionDrawerAction drawer class
 CKviAvatarAvatar class
 CKviAvatarCacheAvatar cache handling class
 CKviCachedPixmapClass for holding a cached pixmap
 CKviChannelWindowThe class which manages a channel
 CKviClassEditorDialogThis class constructs the dialog to create a new class
 CKviClassEditorFunctionDialogThis class constructs the dialog to create a new member function
 CKviColorWindowMirc color window handling
 CKviDebugContextThe KviDebugContext class
 CKviDefaultScriptDialogA dialog which allow the user to choose which elements to restore
 CKviDefaultScriptManagerThe manager who handles the restoring of the default script
 CKviDnsResolverThe KviDnsResolver class
 CKviFileKVIrc File class
 CKviFileDialogFile dialog class
 CKviHistoryWindowHistory window class
 CKviHistoryWindowWidgetHistory window widget class
 CKviIconManagerThis class manages the images used by KVIrc
 CKviIconWidgetThe widget with holds the table of icons
 CKviIdentityProfileClass which manages the identity profile
 CKviIdentityProfileSetClass which manages the list of identity profiles
 CKviInputInput handling class
 CKviInputEditorInput editor class
 CKviInputHistoryInput history class
 CKviIrcConnectionAn abstraction of a connection to an IRC server
 CKviIrcConnectionRequestQueueClass to enqueue commands to IRC server
 CKviIrcLinkMiddle stack class for IRC connection
 CKviIrcMaskIrc user mask handling
 CKviIrcNetworkNetwork handling class
 CKviIrcServerThe class which manages the irc servers
 CKviIrcServerDataBaseIrc server database handling class
 CKviIrcServerReconnectInfoA class for reconnecting purposes
 CKviIrcSocketThis class is the lowest level of the KVIrc networking stack
 CKviIrcUserDataBaseThe class which manages the user database
 CKviIrcUserEntryA class to handle the entries of the user database
 CKviKvsActionThis class handles the actions
 CKviKvsArrayThis class defines a new data type which contains array data
 CKviKvsHashThis class defines a new data type which contains hash data
 CKviKvsNumberA class which maps every number
 CKviKvsScriptThe KVIrc Script class
 CKviKvsScriptDataHolds the data of the script
 CKviKvsTreeNodeTreenode class
 CKviKvsTreeNodeAliasFunctionCallTreenode alias function call class
 CKviKvsTreeNodeAliasSimpleCommandTreenode alias simple command call class
 CKviKvsTreeNodeArrayCountTreenode array count class
 CKviKvsTreeNodeArrayElementTreenode array element class
 CKviKvsTreeNodeArrayReferenceAssertTreenode array reference assert class
 CKviKvsTreeNodeInstructionTreenode class to handle instructions
 CKviKvsVariantThis class defines a new data type which contains variant data
 CKviKvsVariantComparisonA class for comparison between two variant data
 CKviKvsVariantDataThe class which holds the type of the variant data
 CKviKvsVariantListClass to handle variant variables lists
 CKviLocaleHolds the localization functions
 CKviMessageCatalogueThe KviMessageCatalogue class
 CKviMSecTimeIntervalA class to retrieve the time interval This works for time intervals a bit longer than 24 days
 CKviOggTheoraDecoderAn ogg/theora+irct decoder class; accepts a proper ogg stream, outputs argb32 images and binary text
 CKviOggTheoraEncoderAn ogg/theora+irct encoder class; accepts argb32 images and binary text, outputs an ogg stream
 CKviPackageIOEngineThis class is the base class engine to work with KVIrc package files
 CKviPackageReaderThis class is used to read KVIrc package files
 CKviPackageWriterThis class is used to create KVIrc package files
 CKviPointerHashTableA fast pointer hash table implementation
 CKviPointerHashTableIteratorA fast pointer hash table iterator implementation
 CKviPointerListA template double linked list of pointers
 CKviPointerListIteratorA fast KviPointerList iterator
 CKviPointerListNodeA KviPointerList node pointers
 CKviQueryWindowThe class which manages a query
 CKviStatusBarStatus Bar class
 CKviStatusBarMessageA class that hold the statusbar message
 CKviTalGroupBoxToolkit Abstraction Layer: groupbox class
 CKviTalHBoxToolkit Abstraction Layer: hbox class
 CKviTalIconAndRichTextItemDelegateToolkit Abstraction Layer: itemdelegate class
 CKviTalVBoxToolkit Abstraction Layer: vbox class
 CKviTalWizardProvides a wizard-style dialog with steps
 CKviTextIconThe class that holds the icons
 CKviTextIconManagerThe class that manages the icons
 CKviTextIconWindowText icon window class
 CKviThemeInfoA set of information about a KVIrc theme
 CKviTranslationEntryThe KviTranslationEntry class
 CKviTranslatorThe KviTranslator class
 CKviTrayIconThe KviTrayIcon class
 CKviUserIdentityUser identity handling class
 CKviUserIdentityManagerThe class to manage the user identity
 CKviUserListEntryUserlist entry management class
 CKviUserListToolTipA class to manage userlist tooltips
 CKviUserListViewUser list view management class
 CKviUserListViewAreaUser list area management
 CKviWindowBase class for all windows in KVIrc
 CKviWindowStackHandles all docked KviWindow windows
 CLogFileWhich handle any log file
 CNotifierMessageA single message in a notifier window
 CNotifierWindowTabDefines an object for every single tab about the tabs area
 CPackAddonDialogWizard for addon creation
 CPackAddonFileSelectionWidgetWizard page for directory source selection
 CPackAddonInfoPackageWidgetWizard page for addon information
 CPackAddonSaveSelectionWidgetWizard page for saving package
 CPackAddonSummaryInfoWidgetWizard page for showing information inserted
 CQFtpImplementation of the client side of FTP protocol
 CQHttpImplementation of the HTTP protocol
 CQHttpAuthenticatorAuthentication object
 CQHttpHeaderHeader information for HTTP
 CQHttpRequestHeaderRequest header information for HTTP
 CQHttpResponseHeaderResponse header information for HTTP
 CQUrlInfoStores information about URLs