![]() |
![]() |
Functions: |
$$ | Retrieves the ID of the current object |
$action.exists | Checks if an action is currently defined |
$action.isEnabled | Checks if an action is currently enabled. |
$active | Retrieves the window ID of the active window |
$addon.exists | Checks if an addon is currently installed |
$addon.version | Returns the version of an installed addon |
$aliasBody | Returns the body of an alias, if it exists |
$array | Explicitly creates an array |
$ascii | Returns the Unicode code of a character |
$asciiToBase64 | Returns an encoded base64 string |
$asciiToHex | Returns an encoded hex string |
$avatar.name | Returns the avatar name for the specified user |
$avatar.path | Returns the avatar path for the specified user |
$away | Returns true if the current user is away |
$b | Returns the BOLD mIRC control character |
$base64ToAscii | Returns a decoded base64 string |
$bool | Casts a variable to a boolean |
$boolean | Casts a variable to a boolean |
$certificate | Returns information about the local certificate |
$chan.admincount | Returns the number of channel admin users on a channel |
$chan.bancount | Returns the number of entries in the channel ban list |
$chan.banexceptioncount | Returns the number of entries in the channel ban exception list |
$chan.banexceptionlist | Returns an array of channel ban exception masks |
$chan.banlist | Returns an array of channel ban masks |
$chan.common | Returns the common channel with a user |
$chan.getUrl | Returns the URL of a channel |
$chan.getflag | Returns the channel-user mode flag of a user |
$chan.halfopcount | Returns the number of halfop users on a channel |
$chan.invitecount | Returns the number of entries in the channel invite list |
$chan.invitelist | Returns an array of channel invite masks |
$chan.isDead | Checks if a channel is dead |
$chan.isMeAdmin | Checks if the current user is at least an administrator on a channel |
$chan.isMeHalfOp | Checks if the current user is at least an half operator on a channel |
$chan.isMeOp | Checks if the current user is at least op on a channel |
$chan.isMeOwner | Checks if the current user is at least an owner on a channel |
$chan.isMeUserOp | Checks if the current user is at least a user operator on a channel |
$chan.isMeVoice | Checks if the current user is at least voice on a channel |
$chan.isadmin | Checks if a user is at least channel administrator |
$chan.ishalfop | Checks if a user is at least halfop on a channel |
$chan.ison | Checks if a user is on a channel |
$chan.isop | Checks if a user is at least an op on a channel |
$chan.isowner | Checks if a user is at least a channel owner |
$chan.isuserop | Checks if a user is at least a userop on a channel |
$chan.isvoice | Checks if a user is at least voiced on a channel |
$chan.key | Returns the key of a channel |
$chan.limit | Returns the limit of a channel |
$chan.maskcount | Returns the number of entries in the mask list for a channel mode |
$chan.masklist | Returns an array of masks for a channel mode |
$chan.matchban | Matches a mask against the channel ban list |
$chan.matchbanexception | Matches a mask against the channel ban exception list |
$chan.matchinvite | Matches a mask against the channel invite list |
$chan.matchmask | Matches a mask against the channel list for a specific mode |
$chan.matchqban | Matches a mask against the channel ban list searching for +q bans (aka mute bans) |
$chan.mode | Returns the mode string of a channel |
$chan.modeParam | Returns the parameter for a set mode of a channel |
$chan.name | Returns the name of a channel |
$chan.opcount | Returns the number of op users on a channel |
$chan.ownercount | Returns the number of channel owner users on a channel |
$chan.topic | Returns the topic of a channel |
$chan.topicsetat | Returns the set time of the topic of a channel |
$chan.topicsetby | Returns the author of the topic of a channel |
$chan.userJoinTime | Returns the time that a user has joined the channel |
$chan.userLastActionTime | Returns the time that a user has last performed some kind of action on the channel |
$chan.usercount | Returns the number of users on a channel |
$chan.usermodelevel | Returns the channel user-mode level |
$chan.useropcount | Returns the number of userop users on a channel |
$chan.users | Returns an array of channel user nicknames |
$chan.voicecount | Returns the number of voiced users on a channel |
$channel | Retrieves the window ID of a specified channel |
$char | Returns a character specified by Unicode |
$classdefined | Checks if a class is defined |
$config.filelist | Returns a list of open config files |
$config.filename | Returns the filename of an open config file |
$config.hassection | Checks whether a section is present in a config file |
$config.id | Returns the ID of an open config file |
$config.keylist | Returns a list of keys in a config file |
$config.open | Opens a config file |
$config.read | Reads an entry from a config file |
$config.readonly | Checks whether a config file is opened in read-only mode |
$config.section | Returns the name of the current section of a config file |
$config.sectionlist | Returns a list of the sections in a config file |
$console | Retrieves the window ID of a specified console |
$context.connectionStartTime | Returns the connection start time of an IRC context |
$context.getSSLCertInfo | Returns the requested information about certificates used in an SSL enabled IRC session |
$context.lastMessageTime | Returns the last message time of an IRC context |
$context.list | Returns a list of existing IRC contexts |
$context.networkName | Returns the IRC network name of an IRC context |
$context.queueSize | Returns the size of the current server message queue |
$context.serverHostName | Returns the IRC server name of an IRC context |
$context.serverIpAddress | Returns the IRC server IP address of an IRC context |
$context.serverIsIPV6 | Returns the IPv6 state of an IRC context |
$context.serverIsSSL | Returns the SSL state of an IRC context |
$context.serverPassword | Returns the password used to login to the server of an IRC context |
$context.serverPort | Returns the port of the IRC server of an IRC context |
$context.serverSoftware | Returns the software running on the IRC server, if recognized |
$context.serverdbNetworkName | Returns the original IRC network name of an IRC context |
$context.serverdbServerHostName | Returns the original IRC server name of an IRC context |
$context.state | Returns the state of an IRC context |
$context | Retrieves the ID of the specified IRC context |
$countStatusBarItems | Returns the number of items in the statusbar |
$cr | Returns a carriage return character |
$date | Returns a date/time string using a specified format |
$dcc.averageSpeed | Returns the average speed of a DCC file transfer |
$dcc.connectionType | Returns the connection type of the specified DCC session |
$dcc.currentSpeed | Returns the current speed of a DCC file transfer |
$dcc.getSSLCertInfo | Returns the requested information about certificates used in an SSL enabled DCC session |
$dcc.ircContext | Returns the ircContext from which this DCC has originated |
$dcc.isFileDownload | Checks if a DCC is a download file transfer |
$dcc.isFileTransfer | Checks if a DCC is a file transfer |
$dcc.isFileUpload | Checks if a DCC is an upload file transfer |
$dcc.localFileName | Returns the local file name associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.localFileSize | Returns the local file size associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.localHost | Returns the local hostname associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.localIp | Returns the local IP address associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.localNick | Returns the local nickname associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.localPort | Returns the local port associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.localUser | Returns the local username associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.protocol | Returns the protocol of the specified DCC session |
$dcc.remoteFileName | Returns the remote file name associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.remoteFileSize | Returns the remote file size associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.remoteHost | Returns the remote hostname associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.remoteIp | Returns the remote IP address associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.remoteNick | Returns the remote nickname associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.remotePort | Returns the remote port associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.remoteUser | Returns the remote username associated with the specified DCC session |
$dcc.session | Returns the DCC session identifier associated with a window |
$dcc.sessionList | List the existing DCC session identifiers |
$dcc.transferStatus | Returns the current status of a DCC file transfer |
$dcc.transferredBytes | Returns the number of transferred bytes in a DCC file transfer |
$dialog.yesno | Shows a simple yes/no dialog |
$escape | Returns a kvs-escaped version of the string |
$false | The boolean false constant |
$features | Returns the features that KVIrc supports |
$file.allSizes | Returns the size of each file in a specified directory. |
$file.currentdir | Get the current directory |
$file.digest | Returns a digest/hash string of the given file contents |
$file.diskspace | Return the available diskspace. |
$file.exists | Check if a file or directory exists |
$file.extractfilename | Extract the filename from a file path |
$file.extractpath | Extract the parent directory path from a file path |
$file.fixpath | Converts file paths |
$file.globaldir | Get the KVIrc global directory |
$file.homedir | Get the user's HOME directory |
$file.localdir | Get the KVIrc local directory |
$file.ls | Returns a directory listing |
$file.ps | Returns the path separator |
$file.read | Reads a text file |
$file.readBytes | Reads a binary file |
$file.readLines | Reads lines of a text file |
$file.rootdir | Get the system root directory |
$file.size | Returns the size of a file |
$file.time | Returns the datetime of a file in unixtime format |
$file.type | Checks the type of a path |
$firstConnectedConsole | Returns the window ID of the first connected console |
$flatten | Returns a flattened array of items |
$fmtlink | Returns a formatted link buffer |
$gender | Returns the gender of the specified user |
$globals | Dump globals variables |
$hash | Explicitly creates a hash |
$hexToAscii | Returns a decoded hex string |
$hostname | Returns the hostname of the specified user |
$hptimestamp | Returns a high precision timestamp |
$i | Returns the ITALIC mIRC control character |
$icon | Returns the ID of an icon |
$iconname | Returns the name of an icon |
$insideAlias | Returns true if kvs is executing an alias |
$int | Casts a variable to an integer |
$integer | Casts a variable to an integer |
$isEmpty | Checks if a variable is set (empty or non empty) |
$isEventEnabled | Checks if an event enabled |
$isMainWindowActive | Checks if main KVirc window is active |
$isMainWindowMinimized | Checks if main KVirc window is minimized |
$isNumeric | Finds whether a variable contains a representation of a number |
$isSet | Checks if a variable is set (non-empty) |
$isTimer | Checks for a timer existence |
$isWellKnown | Returns $true if the specified user is well known |
$isbot | Returns 1 if the user is a bot. Otherwise return 0. |
$k | Returns the COLOR mIRC control character |
$keys | Returns the array of keys of a hash |
$lag | Returns the lag on the current server |
$lang | Returns name of currently used language |
$language.detect | Tries to detect the language and encoding of a string |
$length | Returns the length of a variable |
$lf | Returns a line feed character |
$link | Returns the text specified as a link |
$listtimers | Returns a list of the active timers |
$log.export | Exports the specified log to the given format and returns the filename |
$log.file | Returns the current log filename |
$mask.hasNumericHost | Checks if a host part of a mask is numeric |
$mask.host | Returns the hostname part of an IRC mask |
$mask.match | Matches a mask against a wildcarded one |
$mask.nick | Returns the nick part of an IRC mask |
$mask.user | Returns the username part of an IRC mask |
$mask | Retrieves the host mask of a user |
$math.abs | Returns the absolute value of a number |
$math.acos | Returns the angle in radiants that has the specified cosinus value. |
$math.asin | Returns the angle in radiants that has the specified sinus value. |
$math.atan | Returns the angle in radiants that has the specified tangent value. |
$math.cbrt | Returns the cube root of a number |
$math.ceil | Rounds up to the nearest integer |
$math.cos | Returns the cosinus of the specified angle in radiants |
$math.e | Returns the value of e |
$math.exp | Returns the exponential of the specified number |
$math.floor | Rounds down to the nearest integer |
$math.isinf | Checks if the value is the infinity |
$math.isnan | Checks if the value is not a number |
$math.log10 | Returns the base 10 logarithm of the specified number |
$math.log | Returns the natural logarithm of the specified number |
$math.pi | Returns the value of pi |
$math.pow | Returns a to the power of b |
$math.sin | Returns the sinus of the specified angle in radiants |
$math.sqrt | Returns the square root of a number |
$math.tan | Returns the tangent of the specified angle in radiants |
$me | Returns the current nickname |
$mediaplayer.album | Returns the album of the media player |
$mediaplayer.artist | Returns the artist of the media player |
$mediaplayer.bitRate | Returns the bit rate of the current song |
$mediaplayer.channels | Returns the number of channels of the current song |
$mediaplayer.comment | Returns the comment of the media player |
$mediaplayer.genre | Returns the genre of the media player |
$mediaplayer.getEqData | Return the equalizer value. |
$mediaplayer.getListLength | Return the play list length. |
$mediaplayer.getPlayListPos | Get the position for the current song. |
$mediaplayer.getRepeat | Return if Repeat is on. |
$mediaplayer.getShuffle | Return if shuffle is on. |
$mediaplayer.getVol | Returns the current volume of the media player |
$mediaplayer.length | Returns the length of the current media |
$mediaplayer.localFile | Returns the name of the local file played by the media player |
$mediaplayer.mediaType | Returns the currently played media type |
$mediaplayer.mrl | Returns the MRL of the currently playing media |
$mediaplayer.nowPlaying | Returns a description of the currently played media |
$mediaplayer.player | Returns the currently set media player interface |
$mediaplayer.playerList | Returns a the list of the supported media player interfaces |
$mediaplayer.position | Returns the position of the current media |
$mediaplayer.sampleRate | Returns the sample rate of the current song |
$mediaplayer.status | Returns the status of the media player |
$mediaplayer.title | Returns the title of the current media |
$mediaplayer.year | Returns the year of the media player |
$msgtype | Returns the ID of a message type color set |
$my.globalIdle | Returns the current user global idle time |
$my.host | Returns the current hostname |
$my.ip | Returns the current IP address |
$my.network | Returns the current network name |
$my.nick | Returns the current nickname |
$my.server | Returns the current server name |
$my.serverIsIPV6 | Returns 1 if the current server connection use IPv6. |
$my.serverIsSSL | Returns 1 if the current server connection uses SSL |
$my.umode | Returns the current user mode flags |
$my.user | Returns the current username |
$new | Creates a new object |
$nothing | Evaluates to an empty variable |
$notifier.isEnabled | Returns 1 if the notifier window is enabled |
$null | Evaluates to the null object handle. |
$o | Returns the RESET mIRC control character |
$objects.classAllHandlers | List all the functions . |
$objects.classes | List user defined classes |
$objects.dump | Dump the KVIrc widgets. |
$objects.exists | Check if an object exists. |
$objects.instances | List object instances |
$objects.name | Returns class name |
$objects.variables | List object's variables. |
$option | Returns the value of an option |
$options.isdialog | Returns the options dialog state |
$package.info | Returns information about a KVIrc package file |
$perl.isAvailable | Check if Perl scripting support is available |
$popup.currentItemId | Returns the popup item ID that owns the executing code |
$popup.exists | Returns true if a popup exists |
$popup.isEmpty | Returns true if a popup is empty |
$proxydb.hostname | Returns the hostname |
$proxydb.ip | Returns the IP |
$proxydb.isIPv6 | Returns the isIPv6 |
$proxydb.password | Returns the password |
$proxydb.port | Returns the port |
$proxydb.protocol | Returns the protocol |
$proxydb.username | Returns the username |
$python.isAvailable | Check if Python scripting support is available |
$query | Retrieves the window ID of a specified query |
$r | Returns the REVERSE mIRC control character |
$rand | Generates a random number |
$real | Casts a variable to a real |
$realname | Returns the realname of the specified user |
$receivedBytes | Returns total received bytes |
$regchan.find | Checks if a channel is registered |
$regchan.list | Get a list of registered channels |
$regchan.match | Checks if a channel is registered |
$regchan.property | Returns a property of an entry in the registered channels database |
$reguser.exactMatch | Returns an entry in the registered user database |
$reguser.getIgnoreFlags | Returns ignore flags for registered user |
$reguser.isIgnoreEnabled | Returns if ignore enabled registered user |
$reguser.list | Get a list of registered user masks |
$reguser.mask | Returns the registration masks for a db entry |
$reguser.match | Returns an entry in the registered user database |
$reguser.matchProperty | Returns a property of an entry in the registered user database |
$reguser.property | Returns a property of an entry in the registered user database |
$rsort | Sorts an array in reverse order |
$scriptContextName | Returns the actual script context's name.. |
$selected | Returns the list of selected nicknames in the channel |
$sentBytes | Returns total sent bytes |
$serialize | Encodes variable to JSON string |
$server | Returns the current server name (if any) |
$serverdb.cacheIp | Returns the cache-ip status |
$serverdb.favorite | Returns if the server is favorited |
$serverdb.isAutoConnect | Returns the autoconnect status |
$serverdb.isIPv6 | Returns the IPv6 status |
$serverdb.isSSL | Returns the SSL status |
$serverdb.networkConnectCommand | Returns the connect command |
$serverdb.networkDescription | Returns the description |
$serverdb.networkEncoding | Returns the encoding |
$serverdb.networkExists | Checks if the network already exists in the DB |
$serverdb.networkJoinChannels | Returns the list of autojoin channels |
$serverdb.networkLoginCommand | Returns the login command |
$serverdb.networkName | Returns the name |
$serverdb.networkNickName | Returns the nickname |
$serverdb.networkRealName | Returns the real name |
$serverdb.networkTextEncoding | Returns the encoding |
$serverdb.networkUserName | Returns the username |
$serverdb.serverConnectCommand | Returns the connect command |
$serverdb.serverDescription | Returns the description |
$serverdb.serverEncoding | Returns the encoding |
$serverdb.serverExists | Checks if the network already exists in the DB |
$serverdb.serverId | Returns the ID |
$serverdb.serverIp | Returns the IP address |
$serverdb.serverJoinChannels | Returns the list of autojoin channels |
$serverdb.serverLoginCommand | Returns the login command |
$serverdb.serverNickName | Returns the nickname |
$serverdb.serverPassword | Returns the password |
$serverdb.serverPort | Returns the port |
$serverdb.serverRealName | Returns the real name |
$serverdb.serverTextEncoding | Returns the encoding |
$serverdb.serverUserName | Returns the username |
$snd.isMuted | Returns if the sounds muted |
$sort | Sorts an array |
$spellchecker.available_dictionaries | Return available dictionaries. |
$spellchecker.check | Check a single work for spelling mistakes. |
$spellchecker.suggestions | Get spelling suggestions for a single word |
$str.append | Append one string to another. |
$str.charsum | Returns the sum of the character codes of the string |
$str.chop | Returns a string removing n characters from the end of it. |
$str.cmp | Compare two strings alphabetically |
$str.contains | Returns 1 if the first parameter contains the second |
$str.digest | Returns the sum of the character codes of the string |
$str.equal | Returns 1 if the two string parameters are equal |
$str.evpSign | Returns a signature for a message created using your certificate's private key |
$str.evpVerify | Verifies the signature for a message against a public key |
$str.find | Find the index of the nth occurrence of a substring in a string |
$str.findfirst | Find the index of a substring in a string |
$str.findlast | Find the last index of a substring in a string |
$str.fromClipboard | Returns a string from clipboard. |
$str.grep | Performs a search in an array of strings via regular expression matching |
$str.insert | Inserts a substring in a string at a given index |
$str.isempty | Returns 1 if the given string don't have any character. |
$str.isnumber | Returns 1 if the given string represents a number |
$str.isunsignednumber | Returns 1 if the given string represents an unsigned number |
$str.join | Returns a string joined from several strings |
$str.left | Returns a substring starting from the left until the given index. |
$str.lefttofirst | Returns the left part of a string until a given substring |
$str.lefttolast | Returns the left part of a string until the last occurrence of a given substring |
$str.len | Returns the length of the given string |
$str.length | Returns the length of the given string |
$str.localelowcase | Returns the given string with all characters turned to toLower case |
$str.localeupcase | Returns the given string with all characters turned to toUpper case |
$str.lowcase | Returns the given string with all characters turned to toLower case |
$str.match | Matches a fixed string against a wildcard expression |
$str.mid | Returns a substring starting from a given index. |
$str.prepend | Prepend one string to another. |
$str.printf | Returns a formatted string in a C sprintf-like fashion. |
$str.replace | Replace substrings in a string |
$str.right | Returns a substring starting from the right until the given index. |
$str.rightfromfirst | Returns the right part of a string from the first occurrence of a given substring |
$str.rightfromlast | Returns the right part of a string from the last occurrence of a given substring |
$str.section | Returns a section of the string. |
$str.split | Splits a string to an array |
$str.strip | Returns a whitespace stripped string |
$str.stripcolors | Returns a mIRC color codes stripped string |
$str.stripleft | Returns a left whitespace stripped string |
$str.stripright | Returns a right whitespace stripped string |
$str.token | Returns the nth token in a string |
$str.upcase | Returns the given string with all characters turned to upper case |
$str.urlencode | Returns a browser formatted string |
$str.word | Returns the nth word in a string |
$string | Casts a variable to a string |
$sw | Returns the value of a switch for an alias |
$system.call | Allows to call functions of a plugin |
$system.checkModule | Checks if a KVIrc module is loadable |
$system.clipboard | Returns the value of the system clipboard |
$system.dbus | Performs a D-Bus call |
$system.getenv | Returns the value of an environment variable |
$system.hostname | Returns the hostname of the machine that KVIrc is running on |
$system.htoni | Convert an integer from host to network byte order. |
$system.ntohi | Convert an integer from network to host byte order. |
$system.osmachine | Returns the machine of the operating system |
$system.osname | Returns the name of the operating system |
$system.osnodename | Returns the nodename of the operating system |
$system.osrelease | Returns the release of the operating system |
$system.ostype | Returns the type of the operating system |
$system.osversion | Returns the version of the operating system |
$system.selection | Returns the value of the system selection |
$target | Returns the target of the current window |
$texticons.get | Retreives texticon data |
$theme.info | Return info about a user defined theme. |
$this | Retrieves the ID of the current object |
$tmphighlight.isChannelHighlighted | Returns 1 if the channel is highlighted on this IRC network, and 0 otherwise |
$tmphighlight.isNickHighlighted | Returns 1 if the user is highlighted on this channel, and 0 otherwise |
$toolbar.exists | Checks if a toolbar exists |
$toolbar.isVisible | Checks if a toolbar is visible |
$toolbar.items | Returns the list of items in a specified toolbar |
$toolbar.list | Returns a list of defined toolbars |
$torrent.client | Returns the currently set torrent client interface |
$torrent.clientList | Returns a list of all supported clients. |
$torrent.count | Returns number of torrents in client |
$torrent.fileCount | Returns the number of files in a torrent. |
$torrent.fileName | Returns the name of a file in a torrent. |
$torrent.filePriority | Returns the priority of a file in a torrent. |
$torrent.maxDownloadSpeed | Returns maximum download speed set in client. |
$torrent.maxUploadSpeed | Returns maximum upload speed set in client. |
$torrent.name | Returns torrent name as displayed in client |
$torrent.speedDown | Returns current total download speed |
$torrent.speedUp | Returns current total upload speed |
$torrent.state | Returns state of torrent (Stopped, Stalled, Seeding, Downloading) |
$torrent.trafficDown | Returns the total number of bytes downloaded |
$torrent.trafficUp | Returns the total number of bytes uploaded |
$tr | Translates an English string to the current language |
$trayicon.isVisible | Returns the state of the dock widget |
$true | The boolean true constant |
$typeof | Returns the internal data type of a variable |
$u | Returns the UNDERLINE mIRC control character |
$uflags | Retrieves the user flags of a user |
$unicode | Returns the Unicode code of a set of characters |
$unixTime | Returns the current UNIX time |
$unserialize | Decodes JSON-encoded string |
$upnp.getExternalIpAddress | Return the external IP address using UPnP |
$upnp.isGatewayAvailable | Returns if a UPnP-capable gateway has been found on the local network |
$userlist.selected | Returns the list of selected nicknames in the channel's userlist |
$username | Returns the username of the specified user |
$version | Returns information about the version of KVIrc. |
$window.activityLevel | Returns the current activity level of a window |
$window.activityTemperature | Returns the current activity temperature of a window |
$window.caption | Returns the caption of a window |
$window.console | Returns the console that a window is attached to |
$window.context | Returns the IRC context of a window |
$window.cryptEngine | Returns the name of the encryption engine currently set in a window |
$window.exists | Checks for the existence of a window |
$window.hasInput | Checks if a window has an input field |
$window.hasOutput | Checks if a window has a text output widget |
$window.hasUserFocus | Checks if a window has the user focus |
$window.highlightLevel | Returns the current highlight (alert) level of a window |
$window.inputText | Returns the window input line text |
$window.isDocked | Checks if a window is currently docked |
$window.isSplitView | Checks if a window is currently in split view mode |
$window.list | Generates lists of windows |
$window.open | Creates and opens a new window |
$window.type | Returns the type of a window |
$window | Retrieve the ID of a specified window. |