button class |
Button widget. |
buttongroup class |
Provides a buttongroup control. |
checkbox class |
Check box with a text description |
colordialog class |
Check box with a text description |
combobox class |
Combined button and popup list |
datetimeedit class |
Datetimeedit widget. |
dialog class |
A top-level dialog object class. |
dockwindow class |
A window dockable to the KVIrc main frame |
file class |
I/O device that operates on files |
ftp class |
An implementation of the client side of FTP protocol. |
groupbox object class |
Provides a groupbox bar. |
hbox class |
Manages child widget horizontal geometry |
http class |
An implementation of the client side of HTTP protocol. |
label class |
Displays text or an image |
layout class |
Manages child widget geometry |
lcdnumber class |
The lcdNumber widget displays a number with LCD-like digits. |
lineedit class |
Simple line editor for inputting short text |
list class |
Abstracts a double linked list of strings |
listbox class |
A widget displaying a list of items. |
listview class |
A listview widget class |
listviewtitem class |
A listviewitem class |
mainwindow class |
Provides a mainwindow. |
memorybuffer class |
A class container to manage binary data. |
menubar class |
A menu bar object implementation |
multilineedit class |
An editor for inputting larger portions of text |
object class |
Base class for all the KVIrc objects |
painter class |
This class provide a painter to paint line and shapes. |
pixmap class |
This class provide a pixmap. |
popupmenu class |
Provides a popup menu. |
process class |
A class to manage process. |
progressbar class |
Provides a horizontal progress bar. |
radiobutton class |
A radiobutton class |
slider class |
The slider widget provides a vertical or horizontal slider. |
socket class |
A IPv4/IPv6 TCP socket |
spinbox class |
Provides a simple spin button. |
sql class |
A SQL database interface. |
tabWidget class |
Provides a Tab Widget. |
tablewidget class |
Tablewidget widget. |
textBrowser class |
Provides a class that can display HTML pages. |
toolbar class |
Provides a toolbar for widget. |
toolbutton class |
Provides a toolbutton for toolbar widget. |
trayicon class |
An implementation of the the system tray icon. |
vbox class |
Manages child widget vertical geometry |
webview |
Provides web support in a widget using webengine. |
widget class |
Base class for all widgets |
window class |
A window object |
wizard class |
The wizard class provides a framework for wizard dialogs. |
workspace class |
Provides a MDI workspace object |
wrapper class |
A wrapper for the existing Qt widgets. |
xmlreader class |
A simple XML document parser |